Class: ResultCode




new ResultCode()

Result codes.

Guides: retail, valueAddedServices.


actionNotAllowedOnTheTransaction (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Action not allowed on the transaction. E.g. do a refund on a not captured purchase. / Do a refund with higher amount than the original purchase amount.

Error message: Action not allowed on the transaction

Specification: retail.

apiCancelEcr (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - General

Current request has been cancelled by the ECR.
Error message: Cancelled by ECR

Specification: retail.

apiConnectFailServer (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

The ECR was not able to connect to the TIM Server.
Error message: Could not connect to TIM Server

Specification: retail.

apiConnectFailTerminal (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

The ECR was not able to connect to the EFT Terminal.
Error message: Could not connect to EFT Terminal

Specification: retail.

apiConnectionLostServer (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

The ECR lost the connection to the TIM Server.
Error message: Connection lost to TIM Server

Specification: retail.

apiConnectionLostTerminal (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

The ECR lost the connection to the EFT Terminal.
Error message: Connection lost to EFT Terminal

Specification: retail.

apiDisabledFeature (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - General

The current request cannot be handled because the required feature is disabled.
Error message: Message belongs to disabled feature

Specification: retail.

apiFunctionDisallowed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - General

The requested function is not allowed with the current license Communication.
Error message: Function not allowed - License issue

Specification: retail.

apiInvalidAnswer (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - General

The ECR received an invalid answer.
Error message: Invalid answer

Specification: retail.

apiPersistencyProblem (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - General

Persistent data damaged, out of space or storage permission problem.

Specification: retail.

apiTimeoutServer (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Timeout during connection establishment from TIM API to TIM Server.
Error message: Timeout - Communication TIM Server

Specification: retail.

apiTimeoutTerminal (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Timeout during connection establishment from TIM API to EFT Terminal.
Error message: Timeout - Communication EFT Terminal

Specification: retail.

authorisationDeclinedCvc2EntryNotAllowed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

CVC2 Entry and not allowed.

Error message : Authorisation Declined - CVC2 Entry not allowed.

Specification: retail.

authorisationDeclinedDifferentCardUsed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Different card used as for initial transaction.

Error message : Authorisation Declined - Wrong Card.

Specification: retail.

authorisationDeclinedPanKeyEntryNotAllowed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Pan Key entered and not allowed.

Error message : Authorisation Declined - PAN Key Entry not allowed.

Specification: retail.

basketDeclined (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Part of the basket is not allowed. Transaction declined.
Error message: Basket declined

Specification: retail.

busyMaintenance (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Mainenance task in progress.
Error message: Busy (Maintenance)

Specification: retail.

busyOtherController (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Another controller is currently using the EFT.
Error message: Busy (Other controller)

Specification: retail.

cardBlacklisted (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

The card is blacklisted . Transaction declined.
Error message: Card Blacklisted

Specification: retail.

cardErrorCcr (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card error occured using the chip card reader.
Error message: Card error - CCR

Specification: retail.

cardErrorMcr (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card error occured using the magstripe card reader.
Error message: Card error - MCR

Specification: retail.

cardErrorNfc (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card error occured using the contactless card reader.
Error message: Card error - NFC

Specification: retail.

cardFunctionNotAllowed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card function not allowed.
Error message: Card - function not allowed

Specification: retail.

cardFunctionNotFound (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Corresponding card function not found.
Error message: Card - function not found

Specification: retail.

cardInsertionTimeout (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Cardholder did not insert card during timeout.
Error message: Card insertion timeout

Specification: retail.

cardInvalidData (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Invalid card data read.
Error message: Card - invalid data

Specification: retail.

cardNotReadable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card could not be read.
Error message: Card not readable

Specification: retail.

cardReadError (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Reading error occured during card reading.
Error message: Read error

Specification: retail.

cardReadTimeout (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Timeout occured during card reading.
Error message: Read timeout

Specification: retail.

cardReaderErrorCcr (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Chip card reader error occured.
Error message: Card reader error - CCR

Specification: retail.

cardReaderErrorMcr (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Magstripe card reader error occured.
Error message: Card reader error - MCR

Specification: retail.

cardReaderErrorNfc (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Contactless card reader error occured.
Error message: Card reader error - NFC

Specification: retail.

cardReaderKeysLost (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Keys lost for secure communication.
Error message: Keys lost - Card reader

Specification: retail.

cardReaderSecurityError (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Security error occured.
Error message: Security error

Specification: retail.

cardRemoved (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Cardholder

Card has been removed by the cardholder.
Error message: Card removed

Specification: retail.

cardTimeout (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card did not respond in time.
Error message: Card timeout

Specification: retail.

cardUnexpectedlyPresentInReader (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - CardReader

Card unexpectedly present in card reader.
Error message: Card unexpectedly present

Specification: retail.

cardholderStop (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Cardholder

Cardholder cancelled transaction pushing the Stop key.
Error message: Stop - Cardholder

Specification: retail.

cardholderTimeout (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Cardholder

Cardholder did not react in time.
Error message: Timeout - Cardholder

Specification: retail.

cashbackAmountTooHigh (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

The intended cashback amount is too high.
Error message: Cashback amount to high

Specification: retail.

cashbackAmountTooLow (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

The intended cashback amount is too low.
Error message: Cashback amount too low

Specification: retail.

ccrUnavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

Chip card reader not available.
Error message: Device not available - CCR

Specification: retail.

declinedAmountInvalid (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, amount invalid.
Error message: Authorization declined - Amount invalid

Specification: retail.

declinedAutoreversalPending (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, autoreversal pending.
Error message: Authorization declined - Autoreversal pending

Specification: retail.

declinedCaptureCardGeneric (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Capture card, generic.
Error message: Capture card - Generic

Specification: retail.

declinedCaptureCardInfoToClient (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Capture card, information to the client.
Error message: Capture card - Information to the client

Specification: retail.

declinedCaptureCardOrderToClient (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Capture card, order to the client.
Error message: Capture card - Order to the client

Specification: retail.

declinedCaptureCardTimeoutRemovingCard (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Capture card, timeout removing card from terminal.
Error message: Capture card - Timeout removing card from terminal

Specification: retail.

declinedCardBlocked (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, card blocked.
Error message: Authorization declined - Card blocked

Specification: retail.

declinedCardError (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, card error.
Error message: Authorization declined - Card error

Specification: retail.

declinedCardExpired (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, card expired.
Error message: Authorization declined - Card expired

Specification: retail.

declinedCardholderInformationIssue (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, cardholder information issue.
Error message: Authorization declined - Cardholder information issue

Specification: retail.

declinedCvmFailed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Performed CVM failed.
Error message: Declined - CVM failed

Specification: retail.

declinedDoubleTransaction (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, current transaction may be a double transaction.
Error message: Authorization declined - Double transaction

Specification: retail.

declinedGeneric (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, generic error.
Error message: Authorization declined - Generic

Specification: retail.

declinedGenericFirstAc (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, first AC generation failed.
Error message: Authorization declined - Generic, first AC

Specification: retail.

declinedGenericSecondAc (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, second AC generation failed.
Error message: Authorization declined - Generic, second AC

Specification: retail.

declinedInvalidMerchant (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, invalid merchant.
Error message: Authorization declined - Invalid merchant

Specification: retail.

declinedNotSupported (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, not supported.
Error message: Authorization declined - Not supported

Specification: retail.

declinedReferralOtherReason (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, referral generic.
Error message: Referral declined - Other reason

Specification: retail.

declinedReferralWrongAmount (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, wrong amount.
Error message: Referral declined - Wrong amount

Specification: retail.

declinedReferralWrongAuthCode (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, wrong auth code.
Error message: Referral declined - Wrong auth code

Specification: retail.

declinedRestrictionDeclined (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, restriction declined.
Error message: Authorization declined - Restriction declined

Specification: retail.

declinedRetryTemporaryUnavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, retry, temporary unavailable.
Error message: Authorization declined - Retry, temporary unavailable

Specification: retail.

declinedSaldoTooLow (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, saldo too low.
Error message: Authorization declined - Saldo too low

Specification: retail.

declinedSecurityIssue (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, security issue.
Error message: Authorization declined - Security issue

Specification: retail.

declinedServiceNotAllowed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, service not allowed.
Error message: Authorization declined - Service not allowed

Specification: retail.

declinedTrxInvalid (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, transaction invalid.
Error message: Authorization declined - Trx invalid

Specification: retail.

declinedTryAnotherInterface (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, try another interface.
Error message: Authorization declined - Try another interface

Specification: retail.

declinedTryLater (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, try later.
Error message: Authorization declined - Try later

Specification: retail.

declinedUsageControl (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, usage control.
Error message: Authorization declined - Usage control

Specification: retail.

declinedWrongCardExpiryDate (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, wrong card expiry date.
Error message: Authorization declined - Wrong card expiry date

Specification: retail.

declinedWrongCardNumber (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, wrong card number.
Error message: Authorization declined - Wrong card number

Specification: retail.

declinedWrongCurrency (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, wrong currency.
Error message: Authorization declined - Wrong currency

Specification: retail.

declinedWrongPin (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization failed, cardholder entered wrong PIN.
Error message: Authorization declined - Wrong PIN

Specification: retail.

displayUnavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

Display not available.
Error message: Device not available - Display

Specification: retail.

ethernetDisconnected (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

No ethernet cable has been connected.
Error message: Ethernet cable not connected

Specification: retail.

hostTimeoutOutcomeUnknown (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Connection to host timed out. The transaction outcome is unknown. The user must use another channel to verify the outcome.
Error message: Host Timeout - Outcome unknown - Use another channel to verify outcome

Specification: retail.

invalidArgument (static, constant)

Category: API Runtime Errors
\brief Invalid argument.

invalidState (static, constant)

Category: API Runtime Errors
Invalid state.

loyaltyCheckInPending (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

So far no loyalty data is available, check-in pending.
Error message: Loyalty check-in pending

Specification: retail.

mcrUnavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

Magstripe card reader not available.
Error message: Device not available - MCR

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectAdditionalInfo (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Additional information entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Additional Info

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectCarNumber (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Car number entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Car Number

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectCostCentre (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Cost centre entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Cost Centre

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectDriverCode (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Driver code entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Driver Code

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectEmployeeNumber (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Employee number entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Employee Number

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectFleetId (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Fleet ID entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Fleet ID

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectLicensePlate (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

License plate entered not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect License Plate

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectMileage (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Mileage entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Mileage

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectProjectNumber (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Project number entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Project Number

Specification: retail.

mocIncorrectReference (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Reference entered is not correct. Transaction declined.
Error message: Incorrect Reference

Specification: retail.

mocProductsNotAllowed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Products in basket not allowed. Transaction declined.
Error message: Products not allowed

Specification: retail.

nfcUnavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

Contactless card reader not available.
Error message: Device not available - NFC

Specification: retail.

noAccountSelectableWithGivenRestrictions (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

No card account selectable with given account restrictions.

Error message: No card account selectable with given account restrictions

Specification: retail.

noTrxInGroupExceeded (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Current transaction exceeds the limit for the number of transactions in a group.
Error message: No trx in group exceeded

Specification: retail.

ok (static, constant)

Category: Positive results


Specification: retail.

outOfMemory (static, constant)

Category: API Runtime Errors
\brief Out of memory.

pinPadKeysLost (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - PinPad

Keys lost for secure communication.
Error message: Keys lost - PinPad

Specification: retail.

pinPadSecurityError (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - PinPad

Security error occured.
Error message: Security error

Specification: retail.

pinPadTampered (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - PinPad

PinPad has be tampered.
Error message: Tampered

Specification: retail.

pinPadUnavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

PinPad not available.
Error message: Device not available - PinPad

Specification: retail.

productNotSupported (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Product not supported . Transaction declined.
Error message: Transaction declined - Product not supported

Specification: retail.

requestPending (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Another request from the same controller is already running.
Error message: Busy - Another request running

Specification: retail.

resultUnknownAcquirerSpecific (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Result unknown – acquirer specific

Error message : Result unknown - Acquirer Specific.

Specification: retail.

rs232Disconnected (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

No RS232 cable has been connected.
Error message: RS232 cable not connected

Specification: retail.

rs232NotConfigured (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

Connected RS232 device not configured.
Error message: Device not configured - RS232

Specification: retail.

rs232Unavailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

RS232 device not available.
Error message: Device not available - RS232

Specification: retail.

serialNumberMismatch (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - PinPad

Terminal serial number mismatch in TMS.
Error message: Serial number already in use. Terminal is out of order. Please call hotline.

Specification: retail.

serverConnectFailTerminal (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - Communication

TIM Server was not able to connect to EFT Terminal.
Error message: Could not connect to EFT Terminal

Specification: retail.

serverConnectionLostTerminal (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - Communication

TIM Server lost connection to the EFT Terminal.
Error message: Connection lost to EFT Terminal

Specification: retail.

serverDisabledFeature (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - General

TIM Server received a message that requires a disabled feature.
Error message: Message belongs to disabled feature

Specification: retail.

serverInvalidAnswer (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - General

TIM Server received an invalid answer.
Error message: Invalid answer

Specification: retail.

serverInvalidRequest (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - General

TIM Server received an invalid request from TIM API.
Error message: Invalid request

Specification: retail.

serverPersistencyProblem (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - General

Persistent data damaged, out of space or storage permission problem.

Specification: retail.

serverTimeoutTerminal (static, constant)

Category: TIM Server related results - Communication

Timeout during connection establishment from TIM Server to EFT Terminal.
Error message: Timeout - Communication EFT Terminal

Specification: retail.

sixmlGeneralError (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

General error on SIXml Protocol.
Error message: General error

Specification: retail.

sixmlInvalidRequest (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Generic error if request not valid.
Error message: Invalid request - Generic

Specification: retail.

sixmlUnknownReferenceNumber (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Unknown reference number entered, e.g. for Credit, Reversal or FinalizePurchase.
Error message: Invalid request - Unknown reference number

Specification: retail.

sixmlUnsupportedRequest (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Request not supported by terminal.
Error message: Request not supported by terminal

Specification: retail.

sixmlWrongCashier (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Wrong UsrId entered for Activate.
Error message: Invalid request - Wrong cashier

Specification: retail.

sixmlWrongEcrId (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Wrong EcrId entered for Login.
Error message: Invalid request - Wrong EcrId

Specification: retail.

sixmlWrongState (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Request not allowed in the current terminal state.
Error message: Message not allowed in this state

Specification: retail.

swAuthenticationFailed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

SW authentication failed due to hash check failure.
Error message: SW authentication failed

Specification: retail.

swInstallationFailed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

Something went wrong during the SW Update process.
Error message: SW Installation failed

Specification: retail.

swVersionNotSuitable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Hardware General

SW version set for update in the SCS is not suitable for the device.
Error message: SW version not suitable

Specification: retail.

systemError (static, constant)

Category: API Runtime Errors
System error.

terminalWakeupFailure (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - SIXml Protocol

Failure to wake the terminal from sleep. Request cannot be processed. Error message: Terminal does not wake up

Specification: retail.

thirdPartyAppNotAvailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Third Party App not available (reasons may be: not installed, not enabled or no connection possible).

Error message: Third Party App not available -

Specification: valueAddedServices.

timCommunicationFailure (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Communication failed.
Error message: Communication failure

Specification: retail.

timConfigFailure (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Reconfig request partially successful - Config failed.
Error message: Config failed

Specification: retail.

timConnectFailPaymentHost (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

EFT terminal not able to connect to payment host.
Error message: Could not connect to payment host

Specification: retail.

timConnectionLostPaymentHost (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

EFT Terminal did lose connection to payment host.
Error message: Connection lost to payment host

Specification: retail.

timInitFailure (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Reconfig request partially successful - Init not or only partially successful.
Error message: Init not or only partially successful

Specification: retail.

timTimeoutAnswerRs232 (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

RS232 device did not respond in time.
Error message: Timeout - Answer RS232

Specification: retail.

timTimeoutEcr (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

ECR did not respond in time.
Error message: Timeout - ECR

Specification: retail.

transactionMismatch (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

The InitTransaction FunctionHint is not compatible to the transaction function. No recovery possible.
Error message: Transaction mismatch

Specification: retail.

transactionTypeNotAllowedForSelectedAccount (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Transaction type not allowed for selected account.

Error message: Transaction type not allowed for selected account

Specification: retail.

trxCommitTimeout (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Commit request not sent in time.
Error message: Commit timeout

Specification: retail.

trxInvalidAuthResponse (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Authorization response invalid.
Error message: Invalid auth response

Specification: retail.

trxLimitExceeded (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Current transaction exceeds transaction limit (amount).
Error message: Transaction limit exceeded

Specification: retail.

trxNoCommonApplications (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

No common application found on card during Application Selection.
Error message: No common applications found

Specification: retail.

trxNoCommonCvm (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

No common cardholder verification method found on card during.
Error message: No common CVM found

Specification: retail.

trxReferral (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Referral required for current transaction.
Error message: Referral

Specification: retail.

trxRollbackImpossible (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Rollback not possible for current transaction.
Error message: Rollback not possible

Specification: retail.

unsupportedCharactersInMessage (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Current request contains unsupported characters.
Error message: Unsupported characters in message

Specification: retail.

unsupportedReferenceAge (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Communication

Unsupported reference age to check against was entered on ECR. (If other values are entered than are supported on the payment protocol.).

Error message: Invalid request - Unsupported reference age

Specification: valueAddedServices.

valueOutOfRangeInThisContext (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

Value out of range in this context, e.g. negative where only positive values are supported.
Error message: Value out of range in this context

Specification: retail.

voucherCannotBeReversed (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

The (mobile topup) voucher cannot be reversed.
Error message: Voucher reversal failed

Specification: retail.

voucherTypeNotAvailable (static, constant)

Category: TIM API related results - Transaction

The (mobile topup) voucher cannot be generated with this combination of issuer and value.
Error message: Requested voucher not available

Specification: retail.