Class: ReceiptItemType




new ReceiptItemType()

Specifies type of ReceiptItem.

This field has a freetext format, but the following values are predefined:

Specification: retail.


accPer (static, constant)

Accounting Period

Specification: retail.

accountType (static, constant)

The selected account type during Account Selection.

Specification: retail.

acqId (static, constant)


Specification: retail.

actId (static, constant)

Activation Id

Specification: retail.

additionalMerchantData (static, constant)

Additional data the merchant added to the transaction.

Specification: retail.

aid (static, constant)

Application identifier

Specification: retail.

amount (static, constant)

Amount of the transaction. Final host-authorized amount. Can be lower than the requested / total amount in case of partial approval.

Specification: retail.

amountDcc (static, constant)

DCC amount of the transaction

Specification: retail.

amountDue (static, constant)

Remaining amount that must be paid after a partial approval. Send only in case of partial approval.

Specification: retail.

amountInstallmentFee (static, constant)

Fee amount charged for the installment service.

Specification: retail.

amountInstallmentFirst (static, constant)

Amount of the first installment payment.

Specification: retail.

amountInstallmentOne (static, constant)

Amount of one installment payment (Not the first if a first amount is present).

Specification: retail.

amountInstallmentTotal (static, constant)

Total amount including including installment fees and interest rates.

Specification: retail.

amountOfGoods (static, constant)

Amount of goods (not containing any cashback, tip or surcharge amounts). Send only, if either a tip, surcharge and/or cashback amount is present.

Specification: retail.

amountOther (static, constant)

Other amount of the transaction (e.g. cashback amount)

Specification: retail.

amountReservation (static, constant)

Total reservation amount after a reservation adjustment

Specification: retail.

amountSaldo (static, constant)

Saldo amount

Specification: retail.

amountTip (static, constant)

Tip amount

Specification: retail.

amountTotal (static, constant)

Total amount to authorize (if applicable including tip, cashback and surcharge amount). Send only in case of partial approval.

Specification: retail.

authCode (static, constant)

Authorization code

Specification: retail.

authReslt (static, constant)

ep2 Authorization result

Specification: retail.

authRespC (static, constant)

ep2 Authorization response code

Specification: retail.

authRespTextC (static, constant)

ep2 Authorization response text

Specification: retail.

balanceExpDate (static, constant)

Balance expiration date.

Specification: retail.

brandName (static, constant)

BrandName of the card used

Specification: retail.

cardExpiryDate (static, constant)

Card expiry date

Specification: retail.

cardNumberEnc (static, constant)

Card number encrypted

Specification: retail.

cardNumberPrintableCardholder (static, constant)

Card number for cardholder receipt

Specification: retail.

cardNumberPrintableMerchant (static, constant)

Card number for merchant receipt

Specification: retail.

cardProductType (static, constant)

ASRPD/Product entry of the card: Credit, Debit, Commercial, Pre-Paid.

Specification: retail.

clerkIdentifier (static, constant)

Merchant defined attendant identifier. (Petrol usage)

Specification: retail.

currency (static, constant)

Currency of the transaction

Specification: retail.

currencyDcc (static, constant)

DCC currency of the transaction

Specification: retail.

dccDisclaimer (static, constant)

DCC disclaimer

Specification: retail.

disclaimer (static, constant)

Standard disclaimer

Specification: retail.

ecrSeqCounter (static, constant)

ECR sequence number

Specification: retail.

exponent (static, constant)

Exponent of the currency used

Specification: retail.

exponentDcc (static, constant)

Exponent of the DCC currency

Specification: retail.

fuelDispenserNumber (static, constant)

Fuel Pump used. (Petrol usage)

Specification: retail.

installmentDisclaimer (static, constant)

ep2 disclaimer used for installment receipts

Specification: retail.

interestInstallment (static, constant)

Interest rate of the installment option.

Specification: retail.

keyPanReceiptIndex (static, constant)

Key Index of encrypted PAN on receipt

Specification: retail.

markupDcc (static, constant)

DCC markup

Specification: retail.

markupDccRegulated (static, constant)

DCC markup vs regulated (ECB) reference exchange rate

Specification: retail.

markupExponentDcc (static, constant)

Exponent of DCC markup

Specification: retail.

markupExponentDccRegulated (static, constant)

Exponent of regulated DCC markup

Specification: retail.

merchantTid (static, constant)

Specific terminal identifier defined by the merchant. (Petrol usage)

Specification: retail.

multiAccountIndex (static, constant)

Account index that has been used for this transaction.

Specification: retail.

multiContractIndex (static, constant)

Acquirer contract index has been used for this transaction.

Specification: retail.

numberOfInstallments (static, constant)

ep2 number of chosen installments

Specification: retail.

originalAid (static, constant)

Application identifier of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.

Specification: retail.

originalBrandName (static, constant)

Name of the brand of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.

Specification: retail.

originalCardCountryCode (static, constant)

CardCountryCode/IssuerCountryCode of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.

Specification: retail.

originalCardNumberPrintable (static, constant)

Truncated card number of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.

Specification: retail.

originalTenderName (static, constant)

TenderName of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.

Specification: retail.

originalTransRef (static, constant)

Transaction reference number of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.

Specification: retail.

originalTransSeq (static, constant)

Transaction sequence counter of the original transaction e.g. the transaction that has just been reversed.

Specification: retail.

originalTrxRefNum (static, constant)

Original Transaction reference number (used for Omnichannel original payment ID).

Specification: retail.

panReceiptDol (static, constant)

Ep2 PAN receipt DOL

Specification: retail.

panReceiptDolIndex (static, constant)

Ep2 PAN receipt DOL index

Specification: retail.

posEntryMode (static, constant)

POS entry mode

Specification: retail.

posdnumber (static, constant)

Number of the POS device. (Petrol usage)

Specification: retail.

preAuthorizationExpDate (static, constant)

PreAuthorization Expiration Date

Specification: retail.

rateDcc (static, constant)

DCC rate

Specification: retail.

rateDccRegulated (static, constant)

DCC rate vs regulated (ECB) reference exchange rate

Specification: retail.

rateExponentDcc (static, constant)

Exponent of DCC rate

Specification: retail.

rateExponentDccRegulated (static, constant)

Exponent of regulated DCC rate

Specification: retail.

receiptNumber (static, constant)

ECR Receipt number. (Petrol usage)

Specification: retail.

shiftNumber (static, constant)

ECR side shift number. (Petrol usage)

Specification: retail.

signatureLine (static, constant)

Signature line is required to be printed. Value 1 for yes, 0 for no.

Specification: retail.

surchargeAmount (static, constant)

Surcharge amount that has been added.

Specification: retail.

tenderName (static, constant)

TenderName of the card used

Specification: retail.

timeStampDate (static, constant)

Time stamp of transaction, date part

Specification: retail.

timeStampTime (static, constant)

Time stamp of transaction, time part

Specification: retail.

trmId (static, constant)

Terminal identifier

Specification: retail.

trxRefNum (static, constant)

Transaction reference number

Specification: retail.

trxSeqCnt (static, constant)

Transaction sequence counter

Specification: retail.