Class: Terminal


Terminal base implementation. Create instance of TerminalApi to connect to payment terminal.




new Terminal(settings)

Create terminal from timapi.TerminalSettings
Name Type Description
settings timapi.TerminalSettings



Opens a user shift. If the shift is already open, no error is returned.

Returns immediately and calls activateCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Activate service menu.

Returns immediately and calls activateServiceMenuCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.


Add ECR data. Replaces ECR data of the same type, if already present.

To remove all elements use setEcrData instead.

Name Type Description
ecrInfo timapi.EcrInfo ecr information to add


Register listener.
  • IllegalArgumentException If listener is undefined.
  • IllegalArgumentException If listener is registered.


This function is do age check verification.

Returns immediately and calls ageCheckCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.

Name Type Description
ageToCheck number Age to check.


The AmtAjustment-function is used as a notification to dynamically adjust the transaction amount of an already running transaction. This is a "best effort" function and will be processed as long as the underlaying payment protocol supports it. The amount transmitted in the notification is the new total amount. The EFT does not calculate amounts, this is the ECRs responsibility.

To be able to validate if this notification has been processed correctly the TerminalStatus-notification returns the adjusted final amount.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.

Name Type Description
amount timapi.Amount New corrected amount

amtAdjustmentVas(amount, amountDiscount, loyaltyCouponList, loyaltyInformationList)

Dynamically adjusts the transaction amount and also provide additional loyalty information of an already running request. This is a "best effort" function and will be processed as long as the underlying payment protocol supports it. The amount transmitted in the notification is the new total amount. The EFT does not calculate amounts, this is the ECRs responsibility.

To be able to validate if this notification has been processed correctly the TerminalStatus-notification returns the adjusted final amount.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.

Name Type Description
amount timapi.Amount New corrected amount
amountDiscount timapi.AmountDiscount New discount amount
loyaltyCouponList Array.<timapi.LoyaltyCoupon> List of loyalty coupons
loyaltyInformationList Array.<timapi.LoyaltyInformation> List of loyalty information


Requests the list of brands available on the terminal.

Returns immediately and calls applicationInformationCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Side-Effect: Updates Brands member with all brands available on the terminal. Use getBrands to retrieve them.


Forces the EFT Terminal to transmit all transactions to the host system as well to do the daily closing.

Returns immediately and calls balanceCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Get information about the current account balance of the inserted card.

Returns immediately and calls balanceInquiryCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide advanced_retail is enabled.

canDcc() → {Boolean}

Returns true if at least one payment protocol and the terminal configuration offer DCC i.e. if there is a chance to do a DCC transaction.
true if dcc is supported

Type: Boolean

canDeclinedReceipts() → {Boolean}

Support for "Declined Receipts" in at least one payment protocol.
true if declined receipts are supported

Type: Boolean

canMultiAccountSelection() → {Boolean}

Support for multiple account selection
true if multiple account selection is supported

Type: Boolean


Aborts an open asynchronous Financial Transaction or Non-Financial Transaction request, except for a commitAsync or rollbackAsync request, which cannot be cancelled.

Further information: A Cancel-request is a best effort request. The EFT Terminal can ignore the Cancel-request if the request in progress is in a state it can not be cancelled. A Cancel-request has no effect if there's no open request of a Financial Transaction or Non-financial Transaction. If the EFT Terminal cancels the request in progress an error response is send back for the cancelled request (see chapter Abort Purchase for an example). Cancel-requests can be send multiple times in an attempt to cancel a request in progress but should be spaced by a few seconds. Cancel-requests themselves are never acknowledged by the EFT Terminal.

The Transaction request can only be cancelled before a Commit has been performed. Also the underlying payment protocol can restrict this functionality.

cancelUnattended(silent, retainCard)

Aborts an open asynchronous Financial Transaction or Non-Financial Transaction request, except for a commitAsync or rollbackAsync request, which cannot be cancelled.

Further information: A Cancel-request is a best effort request. The EFT Terminal can ignore the Cancel-request if the request in progress is in a state it can not be cancelled. A Cancel-request has no effect if there's no open request of a Financial Transaction or Non-financial Transaction. If the EFT Terminal cancels the request in progress an error response is send back for the cancelled request (see chapter Abort Purchase for an example). Cancel-requests can be send multiple times in an attempt to cancel a request in progress but should be spaced by a few seconds. Cancel-requests themselves are never acknowledged by the EFT Terminal.

The Transaction request can only be cancelled before a Commit has been performed. Also the underlying payment protocol can restrict this functionality.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended or guide petrol is enabled.

Name Type Description
silent Boolean Will prevent the cancel from displaying any “abort”-messages to the cardholder
retainCard Boolean Will prevent the card from being ejected for later use by the Dialog Mode


The ChangeLanguage-notification changes the current cardholder language of the EFT. It is intended as a way of changing the cardholder language during transactions or dialog interactions, e.g. if a cardholder uses a language selection mechanism of a unattended device.
Name Type Description
language String Language to switch to. Language string is either two or five letter long. Two-Letter Format: The two letters are a ISO-639-1 language code. E.g. da, nl, ... Five-Letter Format: The five letters are a combination of a two letter language code, a dash, and a two letter uppercase country code as recommended by RFC 5646. E.g. de-CH, fr-BE.


Changes configuration parameters of the EFT Terminal.

Returns immediately and calls changeSettingsCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
settings Map.<timapi.constants.SettingType, String> Dictionary of values for settings types to change.


Starts an EFT Client Identification.

Returns immediately and calls clientIdentificationCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Close dialog mode on the terminal.

Returns immediately and calls closeDialogModeCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide dialog is enabled.


Closes the maintenance window to the terminal so it can perform collected maintenance requests on its own, without interaction with the ECR. The terminal shall respond immediately to the ECR request whether it is able to handle the request or not.

If the terminal is able to handle the request, the ECR is free itself to perform maintenance as well or it can monitor the terminal by reading the TerminalStatus notifications.

It is possible that the connection between ECR and EFT terminal is terminated due to one or multiple reboot processes.

Returns immediately and calls closeMaintenanceWindowCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.


Close the shutter of the card reader.

Returns immediately and calls closeReaderCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.


Performs partial commit-operation after a successful Transaction call.

Returns immediately and calls commitCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
amount timapi.Amount Amount to commit


Performs Commit-operation after a successful Transaction call.

Returns immediately and calls commitCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Initiates a connection to the EFT Terminal. Calling connectAsync is not needed normally, because all methods make first a connect, if not connected.

Returns immediately and calls connectCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Get counter information's from the EFT Terminal.

Returns immediately and calls counterRequestCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
counterType timapi.constants.CounterType


Requests DCC rates from the EFT Terminal. The DCC rates are returned as receipt.

Returns immediately and calls dccRatesCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Closes a user shift. If the shift is already closed, no error is returned.

Returns immediately and calls deactivateCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Perform device maintenance.

Returns immediately and calls deviceMaintenanceCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.MaintenanceType Type of maintenance to perform.


Interrupts the connection to the EFT Terminal.

Returns immediately and calls disconnected on all notifiers once disconnect happened.


Dispose of terminal.


Eject a card from the card reader.

Returns immediately and calls ejectCardCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.


This function is used to finish a previously started checkout process with StartCheckout and to retrieve consumer loyalty data from the terminal that has been collected during this checkout process.

Returns immediately and calls finishCheckoutCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.

getActSeqCounter() → {Number}

Get activation sequence counter
activation sequence counter

Type: Number

getAllowedThirdPartyApps() → {Set.<timapi.constants.ThirdPartyApps>}

Get allowed third party apps.

Type: Set.<timapi.constants.ThirdPartyApps>

getBrands() → {Array.<timapi.Brand>}

Get brands

Note: This data is available after a login or application information request has been performed.

brands or empty list if not retreived yet

Type: Array.<timapi.Brand>

getConfigData() → {timapi.ConfigData}

Get configuration data

Note: This data is available after a system information request has been performed.

configuration data or undefined if not retrieved yet

Type: timapi.ConfigData

getEcrData() → {Array.<timapi.EcrInfo>}

Get ecr Data

Type: Array.<timapi.EcrInfo>

getFeatures() → {timapi.Features}

Get features or undefined if not retrieved yet.
Retreived terminal-features, or undefined if not retreived yet

Type: timapi.Features

getItemTextcode(itemTextcode) → {timapi.constants.AdditionalInfoItem}

Convert item text code to AdditionalInfoItem value.
Name Type Description
itemTextcode Number Item text code to convert.
Matching AdditionalInfoItem enum or undefined

Type: timapi.constants.AdditionalInfoItem

getItemTextcodeDescription(item) → {String}

Get text description of AdditionalInfoItem.
Name Type Description
item timapi.constants.AdditionalInfoItem Item to get description for.
Description of item.

Type: String

getLicense() → {Uint8Array}

Supported licensed features as 8 bytes hex encoded bitmap.
  • Functionality removed.

Type: Uint8Array

getMerchantOptions() → {Array.<timapi.MerchantOption>}

Get merchant options
Merchant options

Type: Array.<timapi.MerchantOption>

getPosId() → {String}

Get POS identifier
POS identifier

Type: String

getPrintOptions() → {Array.<timapi.PrintOption>}

Get print options
Print options

Type: Array.<timapi.PrintOption>

getSettings() → {timapi.TerminalSettings}

Get immutable copy of terminal settings

Type: timapi.TerminalSettings

getTerminalId() → {String}

Get terminal identifier of connected terminal. Returns empty string if the terminal identifier is not known. The terminal identifier is available after logging in to the terminal
Terminal identifier

Type: String


Get terminal status.

getTransactionData() → {timapi.TransactionData}

Get transaction data
transaction data

Type: timapi.TransactionData

getUserId() → {String}

Get user identifier
User identifier

Type: String


Get hardware information from the EFT Terminal.

Returns immediately and calls hardwareInformationCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

hasSwUpdate() → {Boolean}

Software update is available
true if software update is available

Type: Boolean


Extends the Commit timeout if the terminal needs additional time before the Commit shall be performed. An example could be on a public transport vending machine: if the machine is printing multiple tickets and this printing action would extend the commit timeout, a HoldCommit notification shall be sent to extend the Commit timeout as well. If the printing action fails after some tickets a partial commit can be performed.

Note: This method is only available if unattended is enabled.

initTransactionAsync(displayAmount, amount, functionHint)

Initialize a transaction knowing the amount or the card type.

Returns immediately and calls initTransactionCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
displayAmount Boolean
amount timapi.Amount
functionHint timapi.constants.FunctionHint

initTransactionWithDialogAsync(amount, functionHint, dialog)

Initialize a transaction knowing the amount or the card type.

Returns immediately and calls initTransactionWithDialogCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
amount timapi.Amount
functionHint timapi.constants.FunctionHint
dialog timapi.ShowDialogRequest


Activate a communication session between the ECR and the terminal.

Returns immediately and calls loginCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: Before calling set the print options, POS identifier and manufacturer flags set in the terminal instance.

Side-Effect: After completing the request updates the features, brands and terminal identifier in the terminal instance. Fetching these information can be disabled if Auto-FetchBrands is disabled in timapi.TerminalSettings.


Terminates an active communication session between the ECR and the terminal.

Returns immediately and calls logoutCompleted on all notifiers once finished

loyaltyDataAsync(functionType, dataType, data, retainCard)

This function is used to query and configure loyalty information.

Returns immediately and calls loyaltyDataCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.

Name Type Description
functionType timapi.constants.LoyaltyFunctionType Defines what kind of loyalty mode will be used.
dataType String Specifies type of loyalty data. Mandatory for functionType init, update, deinit.
data uint8Array Loyalty data.
retainCard Boolean True to not eject card otherwise false.

mobileTopup2Async(type, value)

Mobile Topup transaction. Supported transaction type are PURCHASE and REVERSAL. To use REVERSAL terminal has to be configured to support credit transactions.

Returns immediately and calls deviceMaintenanceCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.MobileTopupType Type of transaction
value timapi.MobileTopupValue Mobile topup value

mobileTopupAsync(type, issuerName, amount)

Mobile Topup transaction. Supported transaction type are PURCHASE and REVERSAL. To use REVERSAL terminal has to be configured to support credit transactions.

Returns immediately and calls deviceMaintenanceCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.MobileTopupType Type of transaction
issuerName String Issuer name
amount timapi.Amount Amount


Request Mobile Topup Issuer information.

Returns immediately and calls mobileTopupIssuerInfoCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Open dialog mode on the terminal.

Returns immediately and calls openDialogModeCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
silent Boolean After opening the Dialog Mode the last screen content is retained until the the first ShowDialog is received


Opens the maintenance window to the terminal so it can perform collected maintenance requests on its own, without interaction with the ECR. The terminal shall respond immediately to the ECR request whether it is able to handle the request or not.

If the terminal is able to handle the request, the ECR is free itself to perform maintenance as well or it can monitor the terminal by reading the TerminalStatus notifications.

It is possible that the connection between ECR and EFT terminal is terminated due to one or multiple reboot processes.

Returns immediately and calls openMaintenanceWindowCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.


Open the shutter of the card reader.

Returns immediately and calls openReaderCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide unattended is enabled.


The PrintOnTerminal-function is used to send a freetext preformatted ticket from ECR to terminal. The ticket is then printed on the terminal printer. The ticket must be formatted according [B39].

Note: This method is only available if guide dialog is enabled.

Name Type Description
ticketData String Content to print.


This function is used to provide the terminal with a LoyaltyBasket if the corresponding loyalty scheme requires it.

Returns immediately and calls provideLoyaltyBasketCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.

Name Type Description
basket Array.<timapi.LoyaltyItem> Basket as list of loyalty-items


This function is used to provide several VAS related results to the terminal, which will then send it to the corresponding VAS provider.

Returns immediately and calls provideVasResultCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.

Name Type Description
basket timapi.VasResult Vas result to send.


Force the EFT Terminal to reboot

Returns immediately and calls rebootCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Receive the latest receipt or a list of silent receipts.

Returns immediately and calls receiptRequestCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.ReceiptRequestType Type of receipts to receive.


Force the EFT Terminal to transmit all financial transactions to the host system.

Returns immediately and calls reconciliationCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Force the EFT Terminal to get the configuration from the service center.

Returns immediately and calls reconfigCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Unregister listener.
  • IllegalArgumentException If listener is undefined.
  • IllegalArgumentException If listener is not registered.


Prevents a transaction from being committed to the transaction log and generates a technical reversal of the authorization.

For payment protocols supporting the function a declined receipt may be generated.

Returns immediately and calls rollbackCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Send notification to request EFT make a screenshot. This is a "best effort" function. This method is only available if guide remote is enabled.


This function is used for a direct communication with the inserted card using APDUs. It is possible to send a list of APDU command in the request (sixml:CommandRequestList) and to set responses that shall be accepted as "Positive" responses using sixml:PositiveAnswerList.

Each sixml:CommandRequest is numbered with a unique order number (starting with 1). In the response, the terminal sends the response of the device for each CommandRequest, including the order number of the request.

If the device answers with a negative response (i.e. SW1SW2 != 9000 or other as "positive" defined answers using sixml:PositiveAnswerList), the processing of the sixml:CommandRequests is aborted, and the remaining commands are not sent to the device.

Furthermore it can be defined which dialogs shall be shown using the container sixml:CommandResources in the following use cases:

  • Dialog shown as preparation before sending an APDU command: sixml:PreResource
  • Dialog shown during APDU command execution: sixml:ExecutionResource
  • Dialog shown after receiving a positive response: sixml:PositiveResource
  • Dialog shown after receiving a negative response: sixml:NegativeResource

Returns immediately and calls sendCardCommandCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide dialog is enabled.

Name Type Description
requests Array.<timapi.CommandRequest>


Set allowed third party apps.
Name Type Description
allowedThirdPartyApps Set.<timapi.constants.ThirdPartyApps> Set of ThirdPartyApps


Set compact receipt formatter.


Set receipt formatter using definition from timapi.CustomReceiptFormatter . Currently not supported.
Name Type Description
customReceiptFormatter timapi.CustomReceiptFormatter Custom receipt format definition.


Set ecr data
Name Type Description
ecrData Array.<timapi.EcrInfo> Array of ecr data


Set merchant options
Name Type Description
merchantOptions Array.<timapi.MerchantOption> Merchant options


Set normal receipt formatter.


Set POS identifier
Name Type Description
posId String POS identifier


Set print options
Name Type Description
printOptions Array.<timapi.PrintOption> Print options


Set receipt formatter using subclass of timapi.DefaultReceiptFormatter . Currently not supported.
Name Type Description
formatter timapi.DefaultReceiptFormatter Receipt format.


Set super compact receipt formatter.


Set transaction data
Name Type Description
ecrData timapi.TransactionData Array of ecr data


Set ultra compact receipt formatter.


Set user identifier
Name Type Description
userId String User identifier


Show dialog on the terminal.

Returns immediately and calls showDialogCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide dialog is enabled.

Name Type Description
request timapi.ShowDialogRequest Show dialog request


Show signature capture on the terminal.

Can be called only if dialog mode is open.

Returns immediately and calls showSignatureCaptureCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide dialog is enabled.

Name Type Description
request ShowSignatureCaptureRequest Show signature capture request


Force the EFT Terminal to start a Software Update.

Returns immediately and calls softwareUpdateCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


This function is used to start a Checkout process at the POS to collect card and/or cardholder loyalty information before a transaction is started. Therefore the Worldline QR code is displayed at the terminal. The timeout how long the QR code shall be displayed on the terminal before returning to its Idle screen can be defined in the Login request using the OptionType - QRCTimeout.

Returns immediately and calls startCheckoutCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.


Request system information from the EFT Terminal.

Note: Set EcrData property before calling SystemInformation.

Returns immediately and calls systemInformationCompleted on all notifiers once finished.


Send thirdPartyAppData to request EFT make a screenshot. This is a "best effort" function. This method is only available if guide valueAddedServices is enabled.
Name Type Description
data timapi.ThirdPartyAppPayload Payload.

transactionAsync(type, amount)

Starts an EFT Terminal Transaction.

Returns immediately and calls transactionCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: The transaction parameters are taken from TransactionData terminal property since those do not change often if at all (default parameters).

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.TransactionType Financial Transaction Function.
amount timapi.Amount Transaction amount.

transactionCashbackAsync(type, amount, amountCashback)

Starts an EFT Terminal Transaction with Cashback amount.

Returns immediately and calls transactionCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: The transaction parameters are taken from TransactionRequest terminal property since those do not change often if at all (default parameters).

Note: This method is only available if guide advanced_retail is enabled.

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.TransactionType Financial Transaction Function.
amount timapi.Amount Transaction amount.
amountCashback timapi.Amount Cashback amount.


Receive the latest receipt or a list of silent receipts.

Returns immediately and calls transactionInfoRequestCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

transactionTipAsync(type, amount, amountTip)

Starts an EFT Terminal Transaction with Tip amount.

Returns immediately and calls transactionCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: The transaction parameters are taken from TransactionRequest terminal property since those do not change often if at all (default parameters).

Note: This method is only available if guide gastro is enabled.

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.TransactionType Financial Transaction Function.
amount timapi.Amount Transaction amount.
amountTip timapi.Amount Proposed tip amount.

transactionWithRequestAsync(type, request)

Starts an EFT Terminal Transaction with a manually built request.

Returns immediately and calls transactionCompleted on all notifiers once finished.

Note: Allows enhanced transaction configuration compared to transactionAsync

Name Type Description
type timapi.constants.TransactionType Financial Transaction Function.
request timapi.TransactionRequest Transaction parameters as TransactionRequest object.

(static) convertSIXTransRefToLegacy(sixTransRef)

This function tries to convert a SIXTransRef of type X:Y:4 into A SIXTransRef of type X:Y:1 . For all other SIXTransRef values the value will be returned unchanged.
Name Type Description
sixTransRef String Reference number to convert.