Class: PrintFormat




new PrintFormat()

Constants for PrintFormat tag.

Specification: retail.


fieldsOnly (static, constant)

Only fields are returned for printing, not a generated receipt.

Specification: retail.

noPrint (static, constant)

Do not generate any receipts.

Specification: retail.

normal (static, constant)

Receipts are generated, formatted and sent to the ECR. (default)

Specification: retail.

onDevice (static, constant)

Receipts are generated and printed on the printer attached to the EFT terminal but not returned to the ECR.

Specification: retail.

onDeviceWithFields (static, constant)

Receipts are generated and printed on the printer attached to the EFT terminal and receipt fields are returned to the ECR, not generated receipts.

Specification: retail.

onDeviceWithReceipt (static, constant)

Receipts are generated and printed on the printer attached to the EFT terminal and generated receipts are returned to the ECR.

Specification: retail.