new ReceiptItemType()
Specifies type of ReceiptItem.
This field has a freetext format, but the following values are predefined:
Specification: retail.
accountType (static, constant)
The selected account type during Account Selection.
Specification: retail.
additionalMerchantData (static, constant)
Additional data the merchant added to the transaction.
Specification: retail.
amountInstallmentFee (static, constant)
Fee amount charged for the installment service.
Specification: retail.
amountInstallmentFirst (static, constant)
Amount of the first installment payment.
Specification: retail.
amountInstallmentOne (static, constant)
Amount of one installment payment (Not the first if a first amount is present).
Specification: retail.
amountInstallmentTotal (static, constant)
Total amount including including installment fees and interest rates.
Specification: retail.
amountReservation (static, constant)
Total reservation amount after a reservation adjustment
Specification: retail.
cardNumberPrintableCardholder (static, constant)
Card number for cardholder receipt
Specification: retail.
cardNumberPrintableMerchant (static, constant)
Card number for merchant receipt
Specification: retail.
cardProductType (static, constant)
ASRPD/Product entry of the card: Credit, Debit, Commercial, Pre-Paid.
Specification: retail.
clerkIdentifier (static, constant)
Merchant defined attendant identifier. (Petrol usage)
Specification: retail.
installmentDisclaimer (static, constant)
ep2 disclaimer used for installment receipts
Specification: retail.
interestInstallment (static, constant)
Interest rate of the installment option.
Specification: retail.
markupDccRegulated (static, constant)
DCC markup vs regulated (ECB) reference exchange rate
Specification: retail.
markupExponentDccRegulated (static, constant)
Exponent of regulated DCC markup
Specification: retail.
merchantTid (static, constant)
Specific terminal identifier defined by the merchant. (Petrol usage)
Specification: retail.
multiAccountIndex (static, constant)
Account index that has been used for this transaction.
Specification: retail.
multiContractIndex (static, constant)
Acquirer contract index has been used for this transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalAid (static, constant)
Application identifier of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalBrandName (static, constant)
Name of the brand of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalCardCountryCode (static, constant)
CardCountryCode/IssuerCountryCode of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalCardNumberPrintable (static, constant)
Truncated card number of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalTenderName (static, constant)
TenderName of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalTransRef (static, constant)
Transaction reference number of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction.
Specification: retail.
originalTrxRefNum (static, constant)
Original Transaction reference number (used for Omnichannel original payment ID).
Specification: retail.
rateDccRegulated (static, constant)
DCC rate vs regulated (ECB) reference exchange rate
Specification: retail.
signatureLine (static, constant)
Signature line is required to be printed. Value 1 for yes, 0 for no.
Specification: retail.