Class: TransactionData


Contains configuration for transaction used by timapi.Terminal or timapi.Terminal.





new TransactionData()

Create empty TransactionData. If copyTrxData is not undefined initializes values with values from copyTrxData.


acqId :Number

Acquirer identifier. Uniquely identifies the acquirer.

acqTransRef :String

Transaction Reference generated by the acquirer, therefore only valid in the context of the same acquirer.

appExpirationDate :timapi.TimeDate

Application expiration date. Each application on a card has a corresponding expiration date and can be read from the card. Example: The format of an 'Expiration Date' is defined as MMyy, 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the year. So January 2018 will have the following format as 'Expiration Date': 0118 Optional: Used for MPKE for non-PCI brands based transactions.

cardRef :String

Card Reference Number (aka. Token) generated by the termianl to identify the card. Only valid on this terminal.

cvc2 :Number

Card verification code 2. The card verification code 2 is used for transactions with MPKE as an additional security element that has to be provided. It has an n3 value: Numeric 3 digits: 012 Optional: Used for MPKE for non-PCI brands.

dccAllowed :Boolean

Allows the EFT Terminal to enable DCC function. Use undefined to not use this parameter.

deferredAuthInd :Boolean

Indicates that the transaction shall be performed using deffered authorisation. The following values are valid: true: Deferred authorisation applies false: Standard authorisation scheme (default)

ecrSeqCounter :Number

ECR sequence counter. Use undefined to not use this parameter.

installmentAllowed :Boolean

Indicates if installment shall be allowed for a transaction. This tag can be set for each transaction separately to specifically allow or disallow installment feature during the corresponding transaction. As this is a boolean value is can be understood as follows: true: Installment is allowed for the transaction false: Installment is NOT allowed for the transaction

language :String

Petrol, Unattended: Language.

multiCurrencyFlag :Boolean

Indicates if the transaction uses multiple currencies.

Optional: Indicates that the transaction uses multiple currencies.

Specifications: banking, gastro, hospitality, austrianUseCases.

ngvClearingDelay :Number

Defines the clearing delay of the PurchaseNGV transaction. The following values are currently defined:
Value Description
0 no delay
1-99 delay in days
Not used if ngvMode is undefined. Available if guide austrianUseCases is enabled.

ngvMode :timapi.constants.NgvMode

Defines if NGV usage is mandatory or optional if card supports it. Available if guide austrianUseCases is enabled.

partialApprovalAllowed :Boolean

Partial approval is allowed. Use undefined to not use this parameter.

phoneAuthCode :String

Phone authorization code.

sixTrxRefNum :String

Universal Transaction Reference valid in the whole Worldline unverse including Saferpay.

subTransactions :Array.<timapi.SubTransactions>

Sub transactions.

tipAllowed :Boolean

Tip is allowed for purchase transactions. Use undefined to not use this parameter. This parameter is only used if guide gastro is enabled.

tokenPan :String

The token PAN is a tokenized version for an underlaying card PAN. If the underlaying payment protocol supports it, a payment transaction can be initiated with the token PAN instead of using a card. A token PAN is normally generated by a tokenization service either form the acquirer host or the issuer host. The TokenPan field is used in a SIXml request message as part of the sixml:TransactionData container to trigger a token-based transaction and in a SIXml response message as part of the sixml:CardData container for returning token PANs to the ECR. The TokenPan field always must be accompanied by a corresponding TokenPanType field.

tokenPanType :timapi.constants.TokenPanType

To differ the source of a token PAN, the TokenPanType field is used in a SIXml request message as part of the sixml:TransactionData container and in a SIXml response message as part of the sixml:CardData container. The TokenPanType field always is transmitted if a TokenPan field is transmitted but must not be transmitted alone.

transRef :Number

Transaction reference defined by the terminal. Use undefined to not use this parameter.

transSeq :Number

Transaction sequence number defined by the terminal. Use undefined to not use this parameter.

trmTransRef :String

Transaction Reference generated by the trminal, therefore only valid on this terminal.

trxOriginalDate :timapi.TimeDate

Timestamp of the original transaction. Use undefined to not use this parameter.


(static) copy(transactionData) → {timapi.TransactionData}

Creates a copy of an timapi.TransactionData object
Name Type Description
transactionData timapi.TransactionData Original
Copy of original

Type: timapi.TransactionData

setAcqTransRef(acqId, trxRefNo)

Set transaction reference from the acquirer. This method is to be used only for manual entry by clerks for EP2 hospitality transactions only. The usual use case is to directly set the property with the reference string acquired from a previous transaction.
Name Type Description
acqId Number Acquirer ID as printed on receipt.
trxRefNo Number Transaction reference as printed on receipt.


SIX Transaction Reference Number for integrators using MPD Client.

toString() → {String}

String representation for debugging purpose.
String representation

Type: String