
The following section gives an overview how the ResultCodes on SIXml protocol side and on TIM API side clearly have to be differentiated. It is essential to know that on SIXml protocol side each ResultCode is returned as a numeric value while on TIM API side only enumerations are used, no numeric values. An integrator must never use the numeric integer value of a TIM API ResultCode enumeration, but only the enum value. This is due to the fact that the TIM API ResultCodes are fully generated and are internally mapped to the SIXml ResultCodes. The numeric int values of the TIM API enumeration are therefore also generated and may not match to the exact numeric value of the ResultCode of SIXml protocol which are predefined. An example for this handling is the following:

This example shows a SIXml response including the SIXml
"ResultCode = 50 - Current request has been cancelled by the ECR":

<sixml:Response xmlns:sixml=""

On TIM API side this SIXml ResultCode is mapped on an
enumeration "ResultCode.API_CANCEL_ECR".
As this enumeration is generated, the numeric integer value of this enumeration can differ
from the numeric value on SIXml Protocol, therefore the integer value of the enumeration
must not be used, but only directly the enum value "API_CANCEL_ECR".

For overview purpose the following table contains the numeric ResultCode used on SIXml Protocol and the enumeration mapping used on TIM API side. There is explicitly no numeric value on TIM API side mentioned as it is forbidden to use the numeric integer value of the ResultCode enumeration:

SIXml Protocol value TIM API Enum value Error description
0 ResultCode.OK The request has been performed successfully, no error occured.
50 ResultCode.API_CANCEL_ECR Current request has been cancelled by the ECR.
51 ResultCode.API_INVALID_ANSWER The ECR received an invalid answer from the terminal.
52 ResultCode.API_DISABLED_FEATURE The current request cannot be handled because the required feature is disabled.
53 ResultCode.API_FUNCTION_DISALLOWED The requested function is not allowed with the current license Communication.
54 ResultCode.API_PERSISTENCY_PROBLEM Persistent data damaged, out of space or storage permission problem.
100 ResultCode.API_CONNECT_FAIL_SERVER The ECR was not able to connect to the TIM Server.
101 ResultCode.API_CONNECT_FAIL_TERMINAL The ECR was not able to connect to the EFT Terminal.
102 ResultCode.API_CONNECTION_LOST_SERVER The ECR lost the connection to the TIM Server.
103 ResultCode.API_CONNECTION_LOST_TERMINAL The ECR lost the connection to the EFT Terminal.
104 ResultCode.ETHERNET_DISCONNECTED No ethernet cable has been connected.
105 ResultCode.RS232_DISCONNECTED No RS232 cable has been connected.
106 ResultCode.API_TIMEOUT_SERVER Timeout during connection establishment from TIM API to TIM Server.
107 ResultCode.API_TIMEOUT_TERMINAL Timeout during connection establishment from TIM API to EFT Terminal.
200 ResultCode.SERVER_INVALID_ANSWER TIM Server received an invalid answer from the terminal.
201 ResultCode.SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST TIM Server received an invalid request from TIM API.
202 ResultCode.SERVER_DISABLED_FEATURE TIM Server received a message that requires a disabled feature.
203 ResultCode.SERVER_PERSISTENCY_PROBLEM Persistent data damaged, out of space or storage permission problem.
250 ResultCode.SERVER_CONNECT_FAIL_TERMINAL TIM Server was not able to connect to EFT Terminal.
251 ResultCode.SERVER_CONNECTION_LOST_TERMINAL TIM Server lost connection to the EFT Terminal.
252 ResultCode.SERVER_TIMEOUT_TERMINAL Timeout during connection establishment from TIM Server to EFT Terminal.
300 ResultCode.CCR_UNAVAILABLE Hardware error, Chip card reader not available.
301 ResultCode.MCR_UNAVAILABLE Hardware error, Magstripe card reader not available.
302 ResultCode.NFC_UNAVAILABLE Hardware error, Contactless card reader not available.
303 ResultCode.DISPLAY_UNAVAILABLE Hardware error, Display not available.
304 ResultCode.PIN_PAD_UNAVAILABLE Hardware error, PinPad not available.
305 ResultCode.RS232_UNAVAILABLE Hardware error, RS232 device not available.
306 ResultCode.RS232_NOT_CONFIGURED Connected RS232 device not configured.
307 ResultCode.SW_INSTALLATION_FAILED Something went wrong during the SW Update process.
308 ResultCode.SW_VERSION_NOT_SUITABLE SW version set for update in the SCS is not suitable for the device.
309 ResultCode.SW_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED SW authentication failed due to hash check failure.
400 ResultCode.CARD_READER_ERROR_CCR Chip card reader error occured.
401 ResultCode.CARD_READER_ERROR_MCR Magstripe card reader error occured.
402 ResultCode.CARD_READER_ERROR_NFC Contactless card reader error occured.
403 ResultCode.CARD_ERROR_CCR Card error occured using the chip card reader.
404 ResultCode.CARD_ERROR_MCR Card error occured using the magstripe card reader.
405 ResultCode.CARD_ERROR_NFC Card error occured using the contactless card reader.
406 ResultCode.CARD_READ_ERROR Reading error occured during card reading.
407 ResultCode.CARD_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout occured during card reading.
408 ResultCode.CARD_INSERTION_TIMEOUT Cardholder did not insert card during timeout.
409 ResultCode.CARD_READER_KEYS_LOST Keys lost for secure communication.
410 ResultCode.CARD_READER_SECURITY_ERROR Security error occured.
411 ResultCode.CARD_TIMEOUT Card did not respond in time.
412 ResultCode.CARD_NOT_READABLE Card could not be read.
413 ResultCode.CARD_INVALID_DATA Invalid card data read.
414 ResultCode.CARD_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND Corresponding card function not found.
415 ResultCode.CARD_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED Card function not allowed.
416 ResultCode.CARD_UNEXPECTEDLY_PRESENT_IN_READER Card unexpectedly present in card reader.
500 ResultCode.PIN_PAD_SECURITY_ERROR Security error occured.
501 ResultCode.PIN_PAD_TAMPERED PinPad has be tampered.
502 ResultCode.PIN_PAD_KEYS_LOST Keys lost for secure communication.
550 ResultCode.CARDHOLDER_STOP Cardholder cancelled transaction pushing the Stop key.
551 ResultCode.CARDHOLDER_TIMEOUT Cardholder did not react in time.
552 ResultCode.CARD_REMOVED Card has been removed by the cardholder.
600 ResultCode.TIM_TIMEOUT_ECR ECR did not respond in time to a request.
601 ResultCode.TIM_CONNECT_FAIL_PAYMENT_HOST EFT terminal not able to connect to payment host.
602 ResultCode.TIM_CONNECTION_LOST_PAYMENT_HOST EFT Terminal did lose connection to payment host.
603 ResultCode.TIM_TIMEOUT_ANSWER_RS232 RS232 device did not respond in time to a request.
604 ResultCode.TIM_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE Communication failed.
605 ResultCode.TIM_CONFIG_FAILURE Reconfig request partially successful - Config failed.
606 ResultCode.TIM_INIT_FAILURE Reconfig request partially successful - Init not or only partially successful.
700 ResultCode.SIXML_GENERAL_ERROR General error on SIXml Protocol.
701 ResultCode.SIXML_INVALID_REQUEST Generic error if request not valid.
702 ResultCode.SIXML_WRONG_CASHIER Wrong UsrId entered for Activate.
703 ResultCode.SIXML_WRONG_ECR_ID Wrong EcrId entered for Login.
704 ResultCode.SIXML_UNKNOWN_REFERENCE_NUMBER Unknown reference number entered for Credit or Reversal.
705 ResultCode.SIXML_WRONG_STATE Request not allowed in the current terminal state.
706 ResultCode.BUSY_OTHER_CONTROLLER Another controller is currently using the EFT.
707 ResultCode.BUSY_MAINTENANCE Mainenance task in progress.
708 ResultCode.REQUEST_PENDING Another request from the same controller is already running.
709 ResultCode.SIXML_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST Request not supported by terminal.
800 ResultCode.TRX_NO_COMMON_APPLICATIONS No common application found on card during Application Selection.
801 ResultCode.TRX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Current transaction exceeds transaction limit (amount).
802 ResultCode.TRX_NO_COMMON_CVM No common cardholder verification method found on card during.
803 ResultCode.DECLINED_CVM_FAILED Performed CVM failed.
804 ResultCode.TRX_REFERRAL Referral required for current transaction.
805 ResultCode.TRX_INVALID_AUTH_RESPONSE Authorization response invalid.
806 ResultCode.DECLINED_GENERIC Authorization failed, generic error.
807 ResultCode.DECLINED_SALDO_TOO_LOW Authorization failed, saldo too low.
808 ResultCode.DECLINED_WRONG_PIN Authorization failed, cardholder entered wrong PIN.
809 ResultCode.DECLINED_CARD_BLOCKED Authorization failed, card blocked.
810 ResultCode.DECLINED_SECURITY_ISSUE Authorization failed, security issue.
811 ResultCode.DECLINED_USAGE_CONTROL Authorization failed, usage control.
812 ResultCode.DECLINED_DOUBLE_TRANSACTION Authorization failed, current transaction may be a double transaction.
813 ResultCode.DECLINED_GENERIC_FIRST_AC Authorization failed, first AC generation failed.
814 ResultCode.DECLINED_GENERIC_SECOND_AC Authorization failed, second AC generation failed.
815 ResultCode.TRX_COMMIT_TIMEOUT Commit request not sent in time.
816 ResultCode.TRX_ROLLBACK_IMPOSSIBLE Rollback not possible for current transaction.
817 ResultCode.CASHBACK_AMOUNT_TOO_LOW The intended cashback amount is too low.
818 ResultCode.CASHBACK_AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH The intended cashback amount is too high.
819 ResultCode.BASKET_DECLINED Part of the basket is not allowed. Transaction declined.
820 ResultCode.NO_TRX_IN_GROUP_EXCEEDED Current transaction exceeds the limit for the number of transactions in a group.
821 ResultCode.UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTERS_IN_MESSAGE Current request contains unsupported characters.
822 ResultCode.LOYALTY_CHECK_IN_PENDING So far no loyalty data is available, check-in pending.
823 ResultCode.DECLINED_CARD_ERROR Authorization failed, card error.
824 ResultCode.DECLINED_CARD_EXPIRED Authorization failed, card expired.
825 ResultCode.DECLINED_TRX_INVALID Authorization failed, transaction invalid.
826 ResultCode.DECLINED_TRY_LATER Authorization failed, try later.
827 ResultCode.DECLINED_TRY_ANOTHER_INTERFACE Authorization failed, try another interface.
828 ResultCode.DECLINED_INVALID_MERCHANT Authorization failed, invalid merchant.
829 ResultCode.DECLINED_RESTRICTION_DECLINED Authorization failed, restriction declined.
830 ResultCode.DECLINED_WRONG_CURRENCY Authorization failed, wrong currency.
831 ResultCode.DECLINED_AUTOREVERSAL_PENDING Authorization failed, autoreversal pending.
832 ResultCode.DECLINED_WRONG_CARD_NUMBER Authorization failed, wrong card number.
833 ResultCode.DECLINED_WRONG_CARD_EXPIRY_DATE Authorization failed, wrong card expiry date.
834 ResultCode.DECLINED_RETRY_TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLE Authorization failed, retry, temporary unavailable.
835 ResultCode.DECLINED_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED Authorization failed, service not allowed.
836 ResultCode.DECLINED_CARDHOLDER_INFORMATION_ISSUE Authorization failed, cardholder information issue.
837 ResultCode.DECLINED_REFERRAL_WRONG_AUTH_CODE Authorization failed, wrong auth code.
838 ResultCode.DECLINED_REFERRAL_WRONG_AMOUNT Authorization failed, wrong amount.
839 ResultCode.DECLINED_REFERRAL_OTHER_REASON Authorization failed, referral generic.
840 ResultCode.DECLINED_CAPTURE_CARD_GENERIC Capture card, generic.
841 ResultCode.DECLINED_CAPTURE_CARD_INFO_TO_CLIENT Capture card, information to the client.
842 ResultCode.DECLINED_CAPTURE_CARD_ORDER_TO_CLIENT Capture card, order to the client.
843 ResultCode.DECLINED_CAPTURE_CARD_TIMEOUT_REMOVING_CARD Capture card, timeout removing card from terminal.
844 ResultCode.DECLINED_NOT_SUPPORTED Authorization failed, not supported.



  • B1-Retail
  • B2-Petrol
  • B3-Unattended
  • B4-Advanced Retail
  • B5-Banking
  • B6-Dialog
  • B8-Gastro
  • B9-Hospitality
  • B10-Value Added Services (VAS)
  • B11-Austrian Use Cases

Function State Book(s)
Disconnected Connected
LoggedOut LoggedIn
Closed Opened Dialog
Activate - - o o - B1
ActivateServiceMenu - - o - - B3
AdjustReservation - - - o - B9
AmtAdjustment - - - o - B3
ApplicationInformation - - o - - B1
AuthorizeCredit - - - o - B5
AuthorizeDeposit - - - o - B5
Balance - - o - - B1
BalanceInquiry - - - o - B4, B5
Cancel - o o o o B1
CancelReservation - - - o - B9
CashAdvance - - - o - B4
ChangeSettings - - o - - B1
CloseDialogMode - - - - o B6
CloseMaintenanceWindow - - o - - B3
CloseReader - - - o - B3
CollectPoints - - - o - B10
Combined - - - o - B5
Commit - - - o - B1
CounterRequest - - - o - B1
Credit - - - o - B1
DccRates - - o - - B1
Deactivate - - o o - B1
EjectCard - - - o - B3
FeatureRequest - o o - - B1
FinalizePurchase - - - o - B2
FinishCeckout - - - o - B10
Giro - - - o - B5
HardwareInformation - - o - - B1
HoldCommit - - - o - B3
InitTransaction - - - o - B2
KeepAlive - - o o o B1
LicenseChanged - - o - - B1
LoadVoucher - - - o - B10
Login - o o - - B1
Logout - o o - - B1
LoyaltyData - - - o - B10
OpenDialogMode - - - o - B6
OpenMaintenanceWindow - - o - - B3
OpenReader - - - o - B3
PreAuthorization - - - o - B2
ProvideLoyaltyBasket - - - o - B10
Purchase - - - o - B1
PurchaseForcedAcceptance - - - o - B4
PurchaseMailOrdered - - - o - B4
PurchasePhoneAuthorized - - - o - B4
PurchasePhoneOrdered - - - o - B4
PurchaseReservation - - - o - B9
PurchaseReservationPhoneAuthorized - - - o - B9
PurchaseWithCashback - - - o - B4
Reboot - - o - - B1
ReceiptRequest - - o o - B1
Reconciliation - - o o - B1
Reconfig - - o - - B1
Reservation - - - o - B9
Reversal - - - o - B1
Rollback - - - o - B1
SendCardCommand - - - - o B6
ShowDialog - - - - o B6
ShowSignatureCapture - - - - o B6
SoftwareUpdate - - o - - B1
StartCheckout - - - o - B10
SystemInformation - - o - - B1
TerminalStatus - o o o o B1
VasInfo - - - o - B10