Enum ReceiptItemType
Specifies type of ReceiptItem.
This field has a freetext format, but the following values are predefined:
Namespace: SIX.TimApi.Constants
Assembly: TimApi.dll
public enum ReceiptItemType
Name | Description |
AccPer | Accounting Period |
AcqId | AcquirerId |
ActId | Activation Id |
Aid | Application identifier |
Amount | Amount of the transaction |
AmountDcc | DCC amount of the transaction |
AmountInstallmentFee | Fee amount charged for the installment service. |
AmountInstallmentFirst | Amount of the first installment payment. |
AmountInstallmentOne | Amount of one installment payment (Not the first if a first amount is present). |
AmountInstallmentTotal | Total amount including including installment fees and interest rates. |
AmountOther | Other amount of the transaction |
AmountReservation | Total reservation amount after a reservation adjustment |
AmountSaldo | Saldo amount |
AmountTip | Tip amount |
AuthCode | Authorization code |
AuthReslt | ep2 Authorization result |
AuthRespC | ep2 Authorization response code |
AuthRespTextC | ep2 Authorization response text |
BrandName | BrandName of the card used |
CardExpiryDate | Card expiry date |
CardNumberEnc | Card number encrypted |
CardNumberPrintableCardholder | Card number for cardholder receipt |
CardNumberPrintableMerchant | Card number for merchant receipt |
Currency | Currency of the transaction |
CurrencyDcc | DCC currency of the transaction |
DccDisclaimer | DCC disclaimer |
Disclaimer | Standard disclaimer |
EcrSeqCounter | ECR sequence number |
Exponent | Exponent of the currency used |
ExponentDcc | Exponent of the DCC currency |
InstallmentDisclaimer | ep2 disclaimer used for installment receipts |
InterestInstallment | Interest rate of the installment option. |
KeyPanReceiptIndex | Key Index of encrypted PAN on receipt |
MarkupDcc | DCC markup |
MarkupDccRegulated | DCC markup vs regulated (ECB) reference exchange rate |
MarkupExponentDcc | Exponent of DCC markup |
MarkupExponentDccRegulated | Exponent of regulated DCC markup |
NumberOfInstallments | ep2 number of chosen installments |
OriginalAid | Application identifier of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction. |
OriginalBrandName | Name of the brand of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction. |
OriginalCardCountryCode | CardCountryCode/IssuerCountryCode of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction. |
OriginalCardNumberPrintable | Truncated card number of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction. |
OriginalTenderName | TenderName of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction. |
OriginalTransRef | Transaction reference number of the original transaction used for a follow on transaction. |
PanReceiptDol | Ep2 PAN receipt DOL |
PanReceiptDolIndex | Ep2 PAN receipt DOL index |
PosEntryMode | POS entry mode |
PreAuthorizationExpDate | PreAuthorization Expiration Date |
RateDcc | DCC rate |
RateDccRegulated | DCC rate vs regulated (ECB) reference exchange rate |
RateExponentDcc | Exponent of DCC rate |
RateExponentDccRegulated | Exponent of regulated DCC rate |
TenderName | TenderName of the card used |
TimeStampDate | Time stamp of transaction, date part |
TimeStampTime | Time stamp of transaction, time part |
TrmId | Terminal identifier |
TrxRefNum | Transaction reference number |
TrxSeqCnt | Transaction sequence counter |
Unknown | Invalid/unknown constant value. |