new TransactionType()
Defines the type of transaction.
Used as attribute to classify the transaction in the
The following values are valid:
Specifications: retail, petrol, advancedRetail, banking, hospitality, valueAddedServices.
finalizePurchase (static, constant)
Finalize purchase / Online advice function.
Specification: petrol.
purchaseForcedAcceptance (static, constant)
Purchase function with forced acceptance function.
Specification: advancedRetail.
purchaseMailOrdered (static, constant)
Purchase function mail ordered.
Specification: advancedRetail.
purchasePhoneAuthorized (static, constant)
Purchase function phone authorized.
Specification: advancedRetail.
purchasePhoneOrdered (static, constant)
Purchase function phone ordered.
Specification: advancedRetail.
purchaseReservationPhoneAuthorized (static, constant)
Purchase reservation phone authorized function.
Specification: hospitality.
purchaseWithCashback (static, constant)
Purchase function with cashback amount.
Specification: advancedRetail.