Class: ResourceId




new ResourceId()

Enumeration attribute defines which dialog shall be displayed. All dialogs are divided into multiple groups containing dialogs similar operational area.

The dialog description contains the following elements:

Element Description
Value Unique dialog number.
PrimaryIcon The primary icon that shall be displayed during the dialog.
SecondaryIcon The secondary icon that shall be displayed during the dialog.
Text The text for the dialog.
Placeholder Placeholder element that shall be replaced by the corresponding value.
InputMask Defines the input format. a = alphanumeric, d = digit, h = hidden digit, l = letter
ActiveConfirmation The active pinpad and/or displayed button that shall be active during the dialog.
SigCapFlag Indicates if the dialog can be used for signature capturing.

Format Description
a Alphanumeric, digits and letters. 0-9, a-z/A-Z
d Numeric digits, 0-9
h Hidden numeric digits, 0-9. Masked with '*'.
l Letters, a-z/A-Z

An InputMask with "h" = hidden digit means that the input must not be displayed in plain text but must be hidden e.g. using "*" instead of plain text.

The "ActiveConfirmation" describes which elements linke buttons, card reader or timeout can confirm the ongoing dialog. If there is no "ActiveConfirmation" element, the dialog immediately returns with Reason = AutoConfirm. Those dialogs are used to change the display text as defined until there is a new request started:

Example: If s dialog with "ResourceId = 0125 - Please wait" is sent, the terminal immediately returns the dialog with "Reason = AutoConfirm" and changes the display to "Please wait" until a new request is started.

The following groups are defined:

Group Description
0xxx Petrol dialogs
1000-1099 Post dialogs
1100-1200 Banking dialogs
2xxx Unattended dialogs
3xxx AT dialogs

Petrol Dialogs. The following petrol dialogs are valid:

Value Req PrimaryIcon SecondaryIcon Text Placeholder Format / InputMask ActiveConfirmation ResourceParameter
0100 9790 PinPad - Enter mileage + OK
- d8,
input mask: dddddddd
Ok, Stop -
0101 9791 PinPad - Enter your car number + OK
- a8,
input mask: aaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0102 9792 PinPad - Enter drivercode + OK
- a8,
input mask: aaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0103 9793 PinPad - Enter fleet ID + OK
- a8,
input mask: aaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0104 9794 PinPad - %0 %1
Please select pump: %i
+ OK
  • 0: Currency (optional)
  • 1: Amount (optional)
input mask: dd
Ok, Stop -
0105 9795 PinPad - Please select washing
station: %i + OK
- d2,
input mask: dd
Ok, Stop -
0106 9796 PinPad - Please select program:
%i + OK
- d2,
input mask: dd
Ok, Stop -
0107 9797 PinPad - Please select product:
%i + OK
- d2,
input mask: dd
Ok, Stop -
0108 9798 PinPad - Load card
%0 %i + OK
  • 0: Currency (default = terminal base currency)
input mask: dddddddd
Ok, Stop
  • Exponent (default = terminal base currency exponent)
0109 9854 PinPad - Tankcode?
- h12,
input mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok, Stop -
0110 9799 PinPad - CODE & OK?
- h12,
input mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok, Stop
  • CodeCheckType
  • CodeCheckKeyId (optional)
  • CodeCheckData (optional)
  • PetrolCardData1 (optional)
  • PetrolCardData2 (optional)
  • PetrolCardData3 (optional)
0111 9800 PinPad - Enter additional information + OK
- a20,
input mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0112 9801 PinPad - Enter cost center + OK
- a20,
input mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0113 9802 PinPad - Enter employee no + OK
- a20,
input mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0114 9803 PinPad - Enter license plate + OK
- a12,
input mask: aaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0115 9804 PinPad - Enter project no + OK
- a20,
input mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok, Stop -
0116 9805 - - Print receipt?
- - Ok, Stop -
0117 9806 RemoveCard - Remove card - - CardReader -
0118 9807 - - Out of order - - Ok, Stop -
0119 9808 - - Invalid entry - - Ok, Stop -
0120 9809 - - Please refuel at
dispenser %0
  • 0: Dispenser number (n2, mandatory)
- Ok, Stop -
0121 9810 - - Please consider
main screen
- - Ok, Stop -
0122 9811 - - Please refuel - - - -
0123 9812 - - Please refuel for
%0 %1
  • 0: Currency (an, mandatory) (e.g. EUR)
  • 1: Amount (n, mandatory) (e.g. 45.00)
- - -
0124 9813 InsertCard - Welcome,
card please
- - CardReader ActiveReaders
0125 9814 PleaseWait - Please wait - - - -
0126 9815 LastCodeTry - Last CODE try
- h12,
input mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok, Stop
  • CodeCheckType
  • CodeCheckKeyId (optional)
  • CodeCheckData (optional)
  • PetrolCardData1 (optional)
  • PetrolCardData2 (optional)
  • PetrolCardData3 (optional)
0127 9816 CodeTriesLeft - %0 tries left
0: Number of tries left (n, mandatory) h12,
input mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok, Stop
  • CodeCheckType
  • CodeCheckKeyId (optional)
  • CodeCheckData (optional)
  • PetrolCardData1 (optional)
  • PetrolCardData2 (optional)
  • PetrolCardData3 (optional)
0128 9817 NoCodeTriesLeft - No more CODE
tries left
- - Ok, Stop -
0129 9818 CodeIncorrect - CODE incorrect - - Ok, Stop -
0130 9819 LastTankcodeTry - Last try
Tankcode + OK
- h12,
input mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok, Stop -
0131 9820 TankcodeTriesLeft - %0 tries left
Tankcode + OK
0: Number of tries left (n, mandatory) h12,
input mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok, Stop -
0132 9821 NoTankcodeTriesLeft - No more Tankcode
tries left
- - Ok, Stop -
0133 9822 TankcodeIncorrect - Tankcode incorrect - - Ok, Stop -

Note: Dialog 0110 is not supposed to return the input value, but shall check the code according to the CodeCheckType and return the result in the Reason . CodeOk for success and CodeNok for failure.

Postal Dialogs. The following postal dialogs are valid:

Value Req PrimaryIcon SecondaryIcon Text Placeholder Format / InputMask ActiveConfirmation SigCapFlag
1000 9823 - - Keine Recharge
- - Ok
  • 0: not allowed in SignatureCapture
  • 1: allowed
1001 9824 MobilePhone - %0
%1 %2
  • 0: phone number
  • 1: Currency
  • 2: Amount
- Ok, Stop 0
1002 9825 PinPad Card Bitte Tel. Nummer
oder PrePaid-Karte
- d10,
input mask: ddd ddd dd dd
Ok, Stop, CardReader 0
1003 9826 - - Tel. Nummer zu lang - - Ok, Stop 0
1004 9827 - - Tel. Nummer zu kurz - - Ok, Stop 0
1005 9828 PinPad - Bitte
- d10,
input mask: ddd ddd dd dd
Ok, Stop 0
1006 9829 PleaseWait - Bitte warten - - Timeout 0
1007 9830 Declined - Verarbeitung
- - Ok 0
1008 9831 Ok - Verarbeitung OK - - Ok 0
1009 9832 - - Karte anmelden - - Ok, Stop 0
1010 9833 InsertCard - Willkommen,
Karte bitte
- - CardReader 0
1011 9834 PinPad - Ihre
lautet %0
  • 0: phone number
- Ok, Stop 0
1012 9835 - - Von %0 %1 %2
auf %4 %5 %6
%8 %9
  • 0: LastKonto
  • 1: LastKontoTyp
  • 2: Currency LastKonto
  • 3: LastKonto-Bezeichnung
  • 4: GutsKonto
  • 5: GutsKontoTyp
  • 6: Currency Gutskonto
  • 7: GutsKonto-Bezeichnung
  • 8: Currency
  • 9: Amount
- Ok, Stop 0
1013 9836 - - %0 %1 %2
%3 %4
%5 %6 %7
%8 %9
  • 0: LastKonto
  • 1: LastKontoTyp
  • 2: Currency LastKonto
  • 3: Currency
  • 4: AmountSaldo
  • 5: GutsKonto
  • 6: GutsKontoTyp
  • 7: Currency GutsKonto
  • 8: Currency
  • 9: AmountSaldo
- Ok 0
1014 9837 - - Bezug ab Konto
%1 %2 OK?
  • 0: Debit Account
  • 1: Debit Currency
  • 2: Amount
- Ok, Stop 0
1015 9838 - - Einz. auf eigenes Kto
%0 %1 OK?
  • 0: Currency
  • 1: Amount
- Ok, Stop 0
1016 9839 - - - - - Ok, Stop 1
1017 9840 - - Ich habe die
Sendungen und
die darauf
Inhalte erhalten
- - Ok, Stop 1
1018 9841 PinPad - Bitte PIN
- h6,
input mask: hhhhhh
Ok, Stop 0

Banking Dialogs. The following banking dialogs are valid:

Value Req PrimaryIcon SecondaryIcon Text Placeholder InputMask ActiveConfirmation SigCapFlag ResourceParameter
1100 9842 InsertCard - Welcome
card please
- - CardReader 0 -
1101 9843 PinPad - PIN & OK
- h6, input mask: hhhhhh Ok, Stop 0 -
1102 9844 PinPad - Press key
to show saldo
0: Currency 1: Amount - Ok, Stop 0 -
1103 9845 PinPad - Confirm amount
%0 %1
  • 0: Currency
  • 1: Amount
  • 2: Time and Date (optional)
- Ok, Stop 0 -
1104 9846 RemoveCard - Remove card - - CardReader 0 -
1105 9847 InsertCard - Welcome
card please
- - - 0 -

AT Dialogs. The following at dialogs are valid:

Value Req PrimaryIcon SecondaryIcon Text Placeholder InputMask ActiveConfirmation SigCapFlag ResourceParameter
3000 9848 InsertCard - Stammkundenabfrage - - CardReader, Stop 0
  • RegularDataQueryType
3001 9849 PleaseWait - Bitte warten - - Stop 0 -
3002 9850 - - Daten geschrieben - - Ok 0 -
3003 9851 - - Karte initialisiert - - Ok 0 -
3004 9852 - - Karte deinitialisiert - - Ok 0 -
3005 9853 RemoveCard - Karte entnehmen - - CardReader 0 -

Specification: dialog.


bankingConfirmAmount (static, constant)

Banking Confirm Amount | Banking dialogs
- 0: Currency
- 1: Amount

bankingInsertCard (static, constant)

Banking Insert Card | Banking dialogs

bankingPinCheck (static, constant)

Banking Pin Check | Banking dialogs
Input Mask: hhhhhh

bankingRemoveCard (static, constant)

Banking Remove Card | Banking dialogs

bankingShowSaldo (static, constant)

Banking Show Saldo | Banking dialogs
Placeho| style="width: 80%; border-bottom:solid 1px black; border-top:solid 1px black;"|12.04.2018lderItems:
- 0: Currency
- 1: Amount

bankingWelcome (static, constant)

Banking Welcome | Banking dialogs

checkCode (static, constant)

Check Code | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh

commonCardInitialized (static, constant)

Common Card Initialized | AT dialogs

commonDataSaved (static, constant)

Common Data Saved | AT dialogs

commonPleaseWait (static, constant)

Common Please Wait | AT dialogs

commonRegular (static, constant)

Common Regular | AT dialogs

commonRemoveCard (static, constant)

Common Remove Card | AT dialogs

depositOwnAccount (static, constant)

Deposit Own Account | Postal dialogs
- 0: Currency
- 1: Amount

disbursementFromAccount (static, constant)

Disbursement From Account | Postal dialogs
- 0: Debit Account
- 1: Debit Currency
- 2: Amount

emptyDialog (static, constant)

Empty Dialog | Postal dialogs

enterAdditionalInformation (static, constant)

Enter Additional Information | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

enterCarNumber (static, constant)

Enter Car Number | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaa

enterCostCenter (static, constant)

Enter Cost Center | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

enterDriverCode (static, constant)

Enter Driver Code | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaa

enterEmployeeNumber (static, constant)

Enter Employee Number | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

enterFleetId (static, constant)

Enter Fleet ID | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaa

enterLicensePlate (static, constant)

Enter License Plate | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dddddddddddddddddddd

enterMileage (static, constant)

Enter Mileage | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dd'ddd'ddd

enterPhoneNumber (static, constant)

Enter Phone Number | Postal dialogs
Input Mask: ddd ddd dd dd

enterPhoneOrPrepaidNumber (static, constant)

Enter Phone Or Prepaid Number | Postal dialogs
Input Mask: ddd ddd dd dd

enterProjectNumber (static, constant)

Enter Project Number | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

interAccountTransfer (static, constant)

Inter Account Transfer | Postal dialogs
- 0: LastKonto
- 1: LastKontoTyp
- 2: Currency LastKonto
- 3: LastKonto Bezeichnung
- 4: GutsKonto
- 5: GutsKontoTyp
- 6: Currency GutsKonto
- 7: GutsKonto Bezeichnung
- 8: Currency
- 9: Amount

interAccountTransferConfirmation (static, constant)

Inter Account Transfer Confirmation | Postal dialogs
- 0: LastKonto
- 1: LastKontoTyp
- 2: Currency LastKonto
- 3: Currency
- 4: AmountSaldo
- 5: GutsKonto
- 6: GutsKontoTyp
- 7: Currency GutsKonto
- 8: Currency
- 9: AmountSaldo

loadCard (static, constant)

Load Card | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dddddddd
- 0: Currency (default = terminal base currency)
Exponent (default = terminal base currency exponent)

noRechargeCard (static, constant)

No Recharge Card | Postal dialogs

packetAcknowledgement (static, constant)

Packet Acknowledgement | Postal dialogs

petrolCodeIncorrect (static, constant)

CODE incorrect

petrolCodeTriesLeft (static, constant)

%0 tries left

petrolInsertCard (static, constant)

Petrol Insert card | Petrol dialogs

petrolInvalidEntry (static, constant)

Petrol Invalid Entry | Petrol dialogs

petrolLastCodeTry (static, constant)

Last CODE try

petrolLastTankcodeTry (static, constant)

Last try
Tankcode + OK

petrolNoCodeTriesLeft (static, constant)

No more CODE
tries left

petrolNoTankcodeTriesLeft (static, constant)

No more Tankcode
tries left

petrolOutOfOrder (static, constant)

Petrol Out of Order | Petrol dialogs

petrolPleaseRefuel (static, constant)

Petrol Please refuel | Petrol dialogs

petrolPleaseRefuelForAmt (static, constant)

Petrol Please refuel for amount | Petrol dialogs
- 0: Currency
- 1: Amount

petrolPleaseWait (static, constant)

Petrol Please wait | Petrol dialogs

petrolPrintReceipt (static, constant)

Banking Print Receipt | Petrol dialogs

petrolRefuelAtPump (static, constant)

Petrol Refuel At Pump | Petrol dialogs

petrolRemoveCard (static, constant)

Petrol Remove Card | Petrol dialogs

petrolSeeOtherScreen (static, constant)

Petrol See Other Screen | Petrol dialogs

petrolTankcodeIncorrect (static, constant)

Tankcode incorrect

petrolTankcodeTriesLeft (static, constant)

%0 tries left
Tankcode + OK

phoneNumberTooLong (static, constant)

Phone Number Too Long | Postal dialogs

phoneNumberTooShort (static, constant)

Phone Number Too Short | Postal dialogs

pinEntry (static, constant)

Pin Entry | Postal dialogs
Input Mask: hhhhhh

pleaseWait (static, constant)

Please Wait | Postal dialogs

processingDeclined (static, constant)

Processing Declined | Postal dialogs

processingOk (static, constant)

Processing Ok | Postal dialogs

readCode (static, constant)

Read Code | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: hhhhhhhhhhhh

registerCard (static, constant)

Register Card | Postal dialogs

selectProduct (static, constant)

Select Product | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dd

selectProgram (static, constant)

Select Program | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dd

selectPump (static, constant)

Select Pump | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dd
- 0: Currency (optional)
- 1: Amount (optional)

selectWashingStation (static, constant)

Select Washing Station | Petrol dialogs
Input Mask: dd

showPhoneNumber (static, constant)

Show Phone Number | Postal dialogs
- 0: Phone number

showPhoneNumberWithAmount (static, constant)

Show Phone Number With Amount | Postal dialogs
- 0: Phone number
- 1: Currency
- 2: Amount

welcomeCard (static, constant)

Welcome Card | Postal dialogs