Class: TransactionStatus




new TransactionStatus()

Information of the current transaction state.

This field is returned in the TerminalStatus notification to give the current transaction state from the terminal.

The following values are valid:

Specification: retail.


applicationSelection (static, constant)

Application selection is ongoing. May require cardholder interaction.

Specification: retail.

busy (static, constant)

The terminal is busy doing an action by itself, without an open request from the ECR. E.g. a timed Balance.

Specification: retail.

dccSelection (static, constant)

Dcc selection in progress.

Specification: retail.

enterTip (static, constant)

Tip Entry in progress.

Specification: retail.

idle (static, constant)

No transaction running.

Specification: retail.

pinEntry (static, constant)

CVM PIN has been selected. PIN entry in progress.

Specification: retail.

processing (static, constant)

Payment processing in progress.

Specification: retail.

readingCard (static, constant)

Reading card data and matching applications.

Specification: retail.

signatureCapture (static, constant)

CVM Signature has been selected. Signature capture ongoing.

Specification: retail.

waitForCard (static, constant)

Transaction started, no card inserted.

Specification: retail.

waitForCommit (static, constant)

AutoCommit is disabled. Waiting for Commit from ECR.

Specification: retail.

waitForProceed (static, constant)

Terminal waits for another ECR command.

Specification: retail.