
The TIM API is the standard application interface for ECR integration using SIX Payment Services terminals.

TIM API provides a comprehensive feature set to support the requirements of several different markets. This guideline is intended to be used by ECR integrators that need to implement the TIM API functionality in their products.

The following document contains an overview structure, description of the TIM API modes synchronous/asynchronous and describes the corresponding functions, notifiers and data elements that can be used with the TIM API. Furthermore implementation examples are provided. Nevertheless always the corresponding description of a function or data element is authoritative, not the examples.

For further information about the architecture of the TIM API can be found in [B1], this document is meant to cover only implementation purposes.

Setup Configuration

The configuration of the Terminal can be done in two ways:

  1. In a configuration file “TimApi.cfg”.
  2. Using / configuring the TerminalSettings within the application.
The settings defined in the .cfg file will be overwritten by the changes done using the API code directly.

Once a Terminal-instance has been created with a TerminalSettings-instance, the settings can not be changed anymore. Changes to the TerminalSettings-instance will be ignored.

The network and guides configuration as well as the configuration file are explained in the following chapters. For further information refer to TerminalSettings.

Network Configuration

The TIM API module can communicate with the Terminal over different communication channels. The default communication is over TCP/IP connection.

For TCP/IP connection there are two possible ways to connect to the terminal:

  • Broadcast-Mode:
    • Terminal ID (TID) is known.
    • The TIM API starts broadcasting on the default interface and connects to the connection information sent by the matching terminal.
  • Direct Connect:
    • IP address of the terminal is known.
    • Connection is established directly via IP.

Guides Configuration

There are various Guides covering different use case scenarios. The guide retail is the basic guide and is activated as default. With setGuides the guides can be configured. Important: the configuration needs to include all desired guides (including the retail guide).

Code-example for creating a terminal including settings with activated guides retail and hospitality:

// Create settings with Terminal-ID of terminal to connect to
com.six.TerminalSettings settings = new com.six.TerminalSettings();

// add wanted guides (with bitwise or)
settings.setGuides(EnumSet.of(Guides.RETAIL, Guides.HOSPITALITY));

// Create terminal
com.six.Terminal terminal = new com.six.Terminal(settings);


// Disconnect from terminal and clean up properly

Configuration File

With the use of the configuration file “TimApi.cfg” TerminalSettings can be set from outside of the application. If the user wishes to use multiple instances of the Terminal class it can be configured using ini-sections in the config file which are separated with a user defined DeviceId. The same DeviceId has to be used in the constructor of the TerminalSettings class if the specified configuration is wished to use. If no DeviceId is specified the global ini-section is used.

The precedence of the configuration is as follows:

  1. TimApi.cfg will be read first by creating a TerminalSettings object
  2. The config previously read from the TimApi.cfg file can be overwritten by hand using setter methods from the TerminalSettings class.

Table with Configuration File Parameters:

Parameter Description
LogDir Directory where log files are generated
LogLevel Logging level, defines how much information will be logged. For detailed values see Logging / LogLevel
TerminalId Terminal ID to be broadcasted in case of ConnectionMode Broadcast
ConnectionMode Connection mode used between ECR and EFT. For more information see ConnectionMode
ConnectionIPString IP address of the EFT terminal in case of ConnectionMode OnFixIP and Websockets.
ConnectionIPPort Listening Port of the EFT terminal in case of ConnectionMode OnFixIP and Websockets.
SerialPort Serial port to be used for serial connection in case of ConnectionMode Serial.
SerialBaudrate Baudrate used in case of ConnectionMode Serial.
ProtocolType Protocol type. For detailed values see ProtocolType.
FetchBrands Automatically retrieves application information during logging in. Default is on (value “On” or “Off”)
AutoCommit After executing the Transaction- function the API commits the transaction automatically. Default is on (value “On” or “Off”)
RequestRepetition Defines how many times a Commit or Rollback request is sent repeatedly, if the original request has been lost. (Default = 0, means disabled = no repetition)
EnableKeepAlive Defines if KeepAlive functionality shall be enabled or not. Default is on (value “On” or “Off”).
SecuredConnection Defines if the TCP/IP or Websocket connection shall be secured using TLS. Default is off (value “On” or “Off”).

Example “TimApi.cfg”: This example describes the TimApi.cfg file with a global ini-section and two different ini-sections for specific DeviceIds:

ProtocolType = SIXml
TerminalId = 21001234
LogDir = var/log

ProtocolType = SIXml
TerminalId = 12345678
LogDir = var/otherLog

ProtocolType = SIXml
TerminalId = 87654321
LogDir = var/yetAnotherLog
ConnectionMode = OnFixIp
ConnectionIPString =
RequestRepetition = 2

ProtocolType = SIXml
TerminalId = 18000001
LogDir = var/yetAnotherLog
ConnectionMode = Serial
SerialPort = COM1
SerialBaudrate = 115200

ProtocolType = SIXml
TerminalId = 18000004
LogDir = var/yetAnotherLog
ConnectionMode = Websockets
ConnectionIPString =
ConnectionIPPort = 80
SecuredConnection = On

Operation Overview

Follow these basic steps for using the TIM API:

  1. Create TerminalSettings and initialize connection parameters (see Setup Configuration)
  2. Create Terminal instance using the created TerminalSettings
  3. Set some properties if needed:
  4. Connect and Login. This can be done automatically, when the first terminal operation is called or manually using the login method.
  5. Use terminal operation functions.

A basic flow to perform a transaction is:

Operations overview


The TIM API uses two different types of automatisms:

  • Pre-Automatisms: This means that all actions that need to be done before a function can be called. E.g. a transaction can be called in disconnected state without having called connect, login and activate in advance. These are called automatically by the TIM API before the transaction is performed. The Pre-Automatisms are enabled by default.

  • Post-Automatisms: These automatisms can be enabled or disabled using the members autoCommit and fetchBrands. A Post-Automatism is triggered after an action has been performed. E.g. if a connect has been called and fetchBrands is activated, an applicationInformation request is called automatically after the connect. Or if autoCommit is activated a commit is performed automatically after a transaction has been made. autoCommit and fetchBrands are enabled by default.

The following diagrams show the principle of the Pre-Automatisms and Post-Automatisms. Pre-Automatisms are enabled by default and cannot be disabled. If an error occurs the started request from the ECR is returned with an error.

Synchronous flow

Synchronous flow

Asynchronous flow

Asynchronous flow

Terminal methods overview

The basic operation modes of terminal method calls are:

  1. Synchronous
    Method calls are blocking and return after operation is finished successfully or throw a TimException otherwise.

  2. Asynchronous
    Method returns immediately after the operation has started or throws a TimException otherwise. A listener-event-method will be called after operation is finished successfully. All listener-event-methods contain a TimEvent. In case of failure a TimException is included. User-implemented listener-handlers can be added to the Terminal-instance with addListener.

Functions called on terminal perform synchronous by default. The asynchronous method has the same name with Async appended to its name.

Code example for adding a terminal listener:

/** Asynchronous listener handling terminal events. */
class TerminalHandler extends com.six.DefaultTerminalListener {

    /** Terminal status change which can be the display content or an operational state. */
    public void terminalStatusChanged(final Terminal terminal) {
        // Events usually originate from a different thread than the main thread.
        // Always use SwingUtilities.invokeLater to be safe
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
      "Terminal status changed");

    /** Transaction request completed either successfully or with a failure. */
    public void transactionCompleted(com.six.TimEvent event, final com.six.TransactionResponse data) {
        // Always super-call transactionCompleted(). This ensures requestCompleted() and
        // printReceipts() are properly called. You can do you own processing before or
        // after the super-call depending on your needs.
        super.transactionCompleted(event, data);
        // Events usually originate from a different thread than the main thread.
        // Always use SwingUtilities.invokeLater to be safe
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // handle transaction finished using data

// Create settings with Terminal-ID of terminal to connect to
com.six.TerminalSettings settings = new com.six.TerminalSettings();

// Create terminal
com.six.Terminal terminal = new com.six.Terminal(settings);

// Add listener to handle events
terminal.addListener(new TerminalHandler());

// Run transaction
    new com.six.Amount(8.5, com.six.constants.Currency.CHF));

// Once the transaction completes TerminalHandler.transactionCompleted will be called
// TerminalHandler.terminalStatusChanged will be called after every status change

Main / guide retail terminal functions

Sync method
Async method
Completed event
Open a user shift.
Request the list of brands available on the terminal.
Force the EFT Terminal to transmit all transactions to the
host system as well to do the daily closing.
Change configuration parameters of the EFT Terminal.
Perform Commit-operation after a successful Transaction call.
Initiates a connection to the EFT Terminal.
Get counter information`s from the EFT Terminal.
Request DCC rates from the EFT Terminal.
Close a user shift.
Interrupts the connection to the EFT Terminal.
Get hardware information from the EFT Terminal.
Activate a communication session between the ECR and
the terminal.
Terminate an active communication session between the ECR
and the terminal.
Force the EFT Terminal to reboot.
Receive the latest receipt or a list of silent receipts.
Force the EFT Terminal to transmit all financial transactions
to the host system.
Force the EFT Terminal to get the configuration from the service center.
Prevent a transaction from being committed to the transaction
log and generates a technical reversal of the authorization.
Force the EFT Terminal to start a Software Update.
Request system information from the EFT Terminal.
Starts an EFT Terminal Transaction.

Guide dialog terminal functions

Sync method
Async method
Completed event
Open dialog mode on the terminal.
Close dialog mode on the terminal.
Show dialog on the terminal.
Show signature capture on the terminal.

Additional terminal listener-events

Listener-event Description
requestCompleted Operation started by an asynchronous function has finished.
Applications can use both operation specific completion callback
in combination with this generic completion callback.
terminalStatusChanged The terminal status has changed. The new status can be
retrieved from the TerminalStatus property.


By default the TIM API has a Logger that defines how much logging is generated inside the TIM API. To this Logger different handlers can be added, e.g. ConsoleHandler for logging into the debug console or FileHandler to log into a file. By default a FileHandler is added to the TIM API logger.

The standard Java LogLevels are valid:

  • ALL
  • FINE
  • INFO
  • OFF

The logging level in Java can be adjusted programatically as follows after a terminal object has been created:

// Set the TIM API internal logging level

// Set the logging level of the different handlers that have been added to the logger
Handler[] handlers = Logger.getLogger(terminal.getLoggerName()).getHandlers();

for (Handler handler : handlers){

// To add a special handler to the TIM API logger

Code Examples

This chapter contains example implementations for TIM API.

A simple implementation using synchronous calls looks like this:

package simpletransaction;

import com.six.timapi.Terminal;
import com.six.timapi.TerminalSettings;
import com.six.timapi.TimException;
import com.six.timapi.constants.TransactionType;
import com.six.timapi.Amount;
import com.six.timapi.Receipt;
import com.six.timapi.constants.Currency;
import com.six.timapi.TransactionResponse;

import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class SimpleTransaction {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create initial terminal settings
        TerminalSettings settings = new TerminalSettings();

        // Define terminal ID for default connection mode BROADCAST

        // Define log directory

        // Create new terminal
        Terminal terminal = new Terminal(settings);

        // The logging level can be adjusted as follows, after the terminal object has been created.
        // The standard Java logging levels are valid

        // By default, the logger has a FileHandler for logging into a file. The logging level that shall be
        // used for the file logging can be adjusted as follows.
        for (Handler handler : Logger.getLogger(terminal.getLoggerName()).getHandlers())

            // Start transaction. Automatically connects to and activates the terminal
            TransactionResponse trxResponse = terminal.transaction(TransactionType.PURCHASE, new Amount( 14.00,

            // If successful
            System.out.println("Transaction successful");

            // Both cardholder and merchant receipt are returned
            for(Receipt receipt : trxResponse.getPrintData().getReceipts()) {
                System.out.println(receipt.getRecipient() + receipt.getValue());

        catch (TimException te) {
            System.out.println("Transaction failed, exception: " + te.toString() );

        catch (Exception se) {
            System.out.println("Systemexception: " + se.getMessage());

The same example as above but using asynchonous calls can look as follows:

import com.six.timapi.Terminal;
import com.six.timapi.TerminalSettings;
import com.six.timapi.Amount;
import com.six.timapi.constants.TransactionType;
import com.six.timapi.constants.Currency;

import javax.swing.*;

class ECRSample {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        // Create terminal settings as described in the example above!
        TerminalSettings trmSettings = new TerminalSettings();

        // Create terminal instance using the communication settings. These settings can
        // not be changed anymore at a later time.
        Terminal terminal = new Terminal(trmSettings);

        // Set properties affecting the next login and transaction process. Changing POS-ID
        // has no effect until the next logout-login. Changing User-ID affects the next
        // transaction initiated

        // Add the notifiers you wish to handle.
        // It can be done by adding a subclass of six.timap.TerminalNotifier as follows:

        // Add activateCompleted, transactionCompleted, commitCompleted, deactivateCompleted
        // and balanceCompleted notifier if required.
        terminal.addListener(new TerminalListener() {
            public void activateCompleted(TimEvent e, ActivateResponse data) {
                // my code to be called if a activate request completed.

            public void transactionCompleted(TimEvent e, TransactionResponse data) {
                // my code to be called if a transaction request completed.

                // After the transaction request is completed correctly, a commit can be performed.
                // Only required if AutoCommit is not enabled.
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

            public void commitCompleted(TimEvent e) {
                // my code to be called if a commit request completed.

                // A deactivateAsync() can be called here. This is not required if the option
                // AutoDeactivate is enabled, it will then be performed automatically.
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

                // If AutoDeactivate is enabled, a balanceAsync() can be called directly and a
                // deactivation will be performed automatically.
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

            public void deactivateCompleted(TimEvent e, DeactivateResponse data) {
                // my code to be called if a deactivate request completed.

            public void balanceCompleted(TimEvent e, BalanceResponse data) {
                // my code to be called if a balance request completed.

        // Start a transaction process
        // If the terminal is not yet logged in or activated this two actions are performed
        // automatically before performing the transaction.
        terminal.transactionAsync(TransactionType.PURCHASE, new Amount(12.50, Currency.CHF));

        // If the option AutoCommit is enabled the commitAsync() method is called automatically
        // after the transaction has finished.
        // If not enabled, the commitAsync() method shall be called after receiving the
        // transactionCompleted event.

        // If the commit request is completed correctly the deactivate can be started
        // (see commitCompleted method). If the AutoDeactivate option is enabled a deactivateAsync()
        // is not required to be called. Another request that need a Deactivated state will then
        // perform a deactivateAsync() automatically. Otherwise the deactivateAsync() method can
        // be called after a successful commitCompleted event.

        // So if AutoDeactivate is enabled, a balanceAsync() can be called directly.
        // This can be done e.g. in the commitCompleted event (see commitCompleted event).

Attention: Events are send from inside a thread different than the main thread. If you need to access code in the event handling thread use something like java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater or javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater


Ref. Document Version
[B1] TIM & SIXml Architecture: The SIX ECR Integration System 0.10