TIM API Cv3.31.0
Implementation Guide |
▼ src | |
► common | |
► constants | |
activate_response.h | Activate Response |
amount.h | Amount |
amount_dcc.h | DCC Amount |
amount_discount.h | Discount Amount |
amount_final.h | Final amount |
application.h | Information about a supported application |
balance_inquiry_response.h | Balance inquiry Response |
balance_response.h | Balance Response |
basket.h | Basket |
basket_item.h | Basket item |
brand.h | Contains information about a brand available on the terminal |
card_data.h | Card data |
card_track_data.h | Card track data |
client_identification_response.h | Client identification response |
color.h | Color |
command_request.h | Command request |
command_response.h | Command response |
config_data.h | Config data |
counter.h | Contains information about a counter for a brand |
counters.h | Contains all counters for a specific counter type |
currency_item.h | Contains information about a currency supported by a brand |
custom_receipt_formatter.h | Custom receipt formatter |
deactivate_response.h | Deactivate Response |
display_product_info.h | Display product info |
ecr_info.h | Ecr info |
error_messages.h | Error messages |
features.h | Terminal Features |
hardware.h | Contains information about a piece of hardware in the terminal or devices attached to it |
hardware_information_response.h | Contains the result of calling ta_terminal_hardware_information or ta_terminal_hardware_information_async |
init_transaction_response.h | Init transaction response |
item_quantity.h | Item quantity |
logging.h | Logging |
loyalty_coupon.h | Loyalty coupon. Contains amount value given by merchant |
loyalty_discount.h | Loalty discount amount |
loyalty_information.h | Loyalty information. Value depending on LoyaltyInfoType |
loyalty_item.h | Loyalty item |
merchant_option.h | Merchant option |
mobile_topup_data.h | Mobile topup issuer information result |
mobile_topup_value.h | Contains the name of a mobile topup issuer and an associated voucher value |
native_error.h | Native error |
network_information.h | Contains network information of the terminal |
ppinfo.h | PpInfo |
print_data.h | Print data |
print_option.h | Print option |
receipt.h | Receipt |
receipt_formatter.h | Receipt formatter |
receipt_item.h | Receipt item |
receipt_items.h | Receipt items |
receipt_request_response.h | Receipt request Response |
reconciliation_response.h | Reconciliation Response |
screenshot_information.h | Screenshot information |
show_dialog_request.h | Show dialog request |
show_dialog_response.h | Show dialog response |
show_signature_capture_request.h | Show signature capture request |
show_signature_capture_response.h | Show signature capture response |
signature_information.h | Signature information |
sub_transaction.h | Sub transaction |
system_information_response.h | Contains the result of calling the ta_terminal_system_information() or ta_terminal_system_information_async() |
terminal.h | Terminal |
terminal_listener.h | Terminal listener |
terminal_settings.h | Terminal settings |
terminal_status.h | Terminal status |
third_party_app_payload.h | Third party app payload |
tim_error.h | Tim error |
timapi.h | TIM API main inclusion file |
total.h | Contains information about the total for one currency |
transaction_data.h | Transaction data |
transaction_info_request_response.h | Transaction info request Response |
transaction_information.h | Transaction information |
transaction_request.h | Transaction request |
transaction_response.h | Transaction response |
trx_detail.h | Contains transaction details for counters |
vas_checkout_information.h | Contains VAS checkout information |
vas_information_list.h | Contains VAS information list |
vas_result.h | Contains VAS result |